We are looking for motivated post graduate students (Master/Doctor Degree)

- Required knowledge (Optics, Spectroscopy, and Nanoscience)

- Contact: kskyhm@pusan.ac.kr

- Graduate school: https://go.pusan.ac.kr/graduate/grad/mojib.asp?p=86&tab=2&mj=27

>Advanced Human Resource Development Program for Laser Technology news link  news link

-A Joint-program designed to train an expert in Optics & Laser applications will be running for 5 years (2024.4~2029.2).

-Based on Korea Association for Photonics Industry Development (KAPID), three Departments from different Universities but specialized in Optics & Laser Application are associated with 18 industries.

-The three Departments, Inha University (Physics), Chosun University (Photonics Engineering), and Pusan National Universities (Optics & Mechatronics) share a joint-lecture program covering fundamental optics, photonics engineering, and laser application. As those lectures are opened to the three departments, students can take a credit across the Universities through online class.

-Intensive technical short-courses are also provided during summer/winter vacation.

-Graduates involved in this program also participates in a practical R & D with a collaborating industry, and this project is also counted as a single lecture credit in the coursework.

> International Joint Research Center for Quantum-Bio Integrated Nanopotonics

- News links

- In April 2023, the international Joint Research Center for Quantum-Bio integrated Nanophotonics was founded via the Brain-Link program funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT the Korean National Research Foundation (RS-2023-00236798). Collaborating with the Clarendon laboratory (University of Oxford, UK), Néel Institute (UGA, CNRS), and Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Physics (CNRS, UGA), a wide range nanotechnology in Physics, Chemistry, Material/Bio/Medical Engineering will be integrated in terms of the common expertise of optical spectroscopy and microscopy, whereby the quantum states in bio-nano systems will be revealed and controlled.

> The PNU-UGA double PhD degree program

- News links: 대학지성, 한국일보, 부산일보, 국제신문

- Based on the MOU between Pusan National University (PNU) and Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA)  , the double PhD program runs under co-supervision (cotutelle in French), where  two supervisors are assigned from the department of Cognomechatronics in PNU and Laboratoire  Interdisciplinaire de Physique(LiPhy) in UGA. A half of the PhD period will be spent in Busan first  and the rest of the half will be devoted in Grenoble. When the requirement of the double PhD  program is fulfilled, two degrees are awarded, PhD in Engineering (PNU) and Doctorat en Physique  (UGA). Candidate students are selected during the Master course, who are outstanding in research  and fluent in English. The PhD project of co-supervision is also planned in detail before beginning  the PhD course.


> 바이오메디컬인재양성사업 선정

- 의과대학과 나노과학기술대학 컨소시엄으로 호주 시드니대학(Sydney-Nano Institute), 프랑스 그르노블대학(CNRS-LiPhy), 미국 하버드대학(Medical School) 등에 석·박사과정 학생 또는 포스닥을 장기파견해 실질적인 공동연구가 가능하도록 하는 인력양성사업.

- 매년 10명씩 장기 해외연수를 지원, 개인당 파견기간은 6개월~1년.



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