Publications 2025
1. "Complex Refractive Index Spectrum of CsPbBr3 Nanocrystals via the Effective Medium Approximation."
Sang-Hyuk Park,Jungwon Kim, Minju Kim, Minwoo
Kim, Robert A. Taylor, Kwangseuk Kyhm(*), Nanomaterials, 15(3), 181 (Jan 2025) BL RLRC
2. "Water-Mediated Optical and Morphological Tuning of Highly Stable Orange-Emitting Mn-Doped Perovskite for White Light-Emission."
Akash V. Fulari, Sangeun Cho, Vijay Gopalan Sree, Sanghyuk Park, Ming Mei
, Minju Kim
, Atanu Jana, Deblina Das, Kwangseuk Kyhm(*), Hyunsik Im and R. Taylor, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 680,
Part A, 215-225 (Feb 2025) (2023 IF : 9.4, JCR Top 17.98%) BL
3."Nanophotonic-enhanced photoacoustic imaging for brain tumor detection"
Ali Rizwana, Badrinathan Sridharan, Jin Hyeong Park, Daehun Kim, Jean-Claude Vial, Kwangseuk Kyhm, and Hae Gyun Lim, Journal of Nanobiotechnology.23. 170 (Mar 2025)(2023 IF : 10.6, JCR Top 4.6%) BL
Publications 2024
1. "Compound Semiconductors",
Kwangseuk Kyhm(*), Jong Su Kim, Heonsu Jeon, and Yong-Hoon Cho, Phys. Status Solidi a/b vol. 221/261, issue 13/7 2400418/2400227 (July 2024)
(Phys. Status Solidi a),
(Phys. Status Solidi b)
2. "Non-thermal inactivation effects of metal oxide nanoparticles–graphene
composite films on foodborne pathogens to reduce proliferation."
Jun Uk Lee, Jeong Myung Yung, Kwangseuk Kyhm, Bo-Sung Shin and Patrick C. Lee, Journal of Manufacturing Processes 131, 910-919 (December 2024)
3. "Gain Saturation of Encapsulated CdTe-Ag Quantum Dot Composite in SiO2."
Minwoo Kim. Agna Antony, Inhong Kim,Minju Kim and Kwangseuk Kyhm, Nanomaterials, 14(23), 1950 (Nov 2024) PNU 기본 (23-25)
Publications 2023
1. "Optical Gain of Vertically Coupled Cd0.6Zn0.4Te/ZnTe Quantum Dots"
Ming Mei, Minju Kim, Minwoo Kim, Inhong Kim, Hong Seok Lee, Robert A. Taylor, and Kwangseuk Kyhm(*), Nanomaterials, Volume 13 (4), 716 (February 2023) (2021 IF : 5.719) PNU 기본 (21-23)
2. "Gain enhancement of perovskite nanosheets by a patterned waveguide: excitation and temperature dependence of gain saturation"
Inhong Kim, Ga Eul Choi, Ming Mei, Min Woo Kim, Minju Kim, Young Woo Kwon, Tae-In Jeong, Seungchul Kim, Suck Won Hong, Kwangseuk Kyhm(*) and Robert A. Taylor, Light Science & Applications, 12, 285 (November 2023) (2022 IF : 19.4, JCR Top 3%) BL, RLRC, KRIS, KIH, HONG
<news link: domestic Press: Yonhap News, NEWSIS, News 1, Busan Ilbo, Metro, UNN, CNB News, SkyeDaily, VERITAS-α, Kookje Daily News, Academic News, Indifocus,
The Radio News
international Press:PHYSORG , ScienceDaily, rebellion research, laser focus world>
Publications 2022
1. "Excitation-dependent emissive FeSe nanoparticles induced by chiral interlayer expansion and their multi-color bio-imaging"
Junyoung Kwon, Seung Won Jun, Jeonghyo Kim, Mirae Lee, Youngeun Choi, Doukyun Kim, Minwoo Kim, Sang Gil Lee, Seungah Lee, Seong Ho Kang, Kwangseuk Kyhm, Chang-Seok Kim, Jeong Yoon Park, Nicholas A. Kotov, Chul-Hong Park, Jaebeom Lee, Nano Today, Volume 43, 101424 (February 2022) (2021 IF : 18.962, JCR Top 5.51%)
2. "Optical nanotopography of fluorescent surfaces by
axial position modulation"
Inhong Kim, Julien Leblanc, Philippe Moreau, Kwangseuk Kyhm, Aurélie Dupont, and Irène Wang, Optics Express, Volume 30 (4), 6425-6439 (February 2022)
3. "Autofluorescence loss in photobleaching for human
dentin ex vivo"
Seunghwan Goldmund Lee, Minwoo Kim, Sunghee Jeong, Jaejoon Hwang, Jisu Kim, Aurélien Gourrier, Jean Claude Vial, and Kwangseuk Kyhm(*), Current Optics and Photonics, Volume 6 (1), 86-91 (February 2022)
4. "Strain-tunable optical microlens arrays with
deformable wrinkles for spatially coordinated
image projection on a security substrate"
In Sik Choi, Senongho Park, Sangheon Jeon, Young Woo Kwon, Rowoon Park, Robert A. Taylor, Kwangseuk Kyhm(*) and Suck Won Hong, Microsystems & Nanoengineering, Volume 8 (1), 98 (September 2022) (2021 IF : 8.006, JCR Top 6.25%)
5. "Elliptical Polarization of Localized States in an Anisotropic Single GaAs Quantum Ring"
Seongho Park, Minju Kim, Inhong Kim, Robert A. Taylor, Jindong Song and Kwangseuk Kyhm(*), Nanomaterials, Volume 13 (1), 184 (December 2022) (2021 IF : 5.719)
Publications 2021
1. "Polarization ellipticity of micro-photoluminescence in a single GaAs/AlGaAs quantum ring"
Minju Kim, Juyeong Jang, Seunghwan Lee, Jindong Song, and Kwangseuk Kyhm(*), Current Optics and Photonics, Volume 5, 72-76 (February 2021)
2. "Polarization angle dependence of optical gain in hybrid structure of Alexa-fluor 488/M13 bacteriophage"
Inhong Kim, Juyeong Jang, Seunghwan Lee, Won-Geun Kim, Jin-Woo Oh, Irène Wang, Jean-Claude Vial, and Kwangseuk Kyhm(*), Nanomaterials, Volume 11, 3309 (December 2021), (2021 IF : 5.719)
Publications 2020
1. "Optical shaping of the polarization anisotropy in a laterally
coupled quantum dot dimer"
Heedae Kim, Kwangseuk Kyhm(*), Robert A. Taylor(*), Jong Su Kim, Jin Dong Song and Sungkyun Park, Light: Science & Applications, Volum 9 No. 100, June 2020, (2021 IF : 20.257, JCR Top 2.97%)
News link : EurekAlert!
Highlited : K-LIGHT vol.3 page21 (July 2020)
2. "Excitation and temperature dependence of the broad gain spectrum in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum rings"
Juyeong Jang, Seunghwan Lee, Minju Kim, Sunwoo Woo, Inhong Kim, Jihoon Kyhm, Jindong Song, Robert A. Taylor, and Kwangseuk Kyhm(*), Applied Physics Letters, Volume 117, 213101 (November 2020)
Publications 2019
1. "Intermolecular
distance measurement with TNT suppressor on the M13 bacteriophage-based Förster resonance energy transfer system"
Inhong Kim, Hyerin Song, Chuntae Kim, Minwoo Kim, Kwanseuk Kyhm, Kyujung Kim and Jin-woo Oh(*), Scientific Reports, 9, 496 (January 2019),
2. "Optical gain of inelastic exciton-exciton scattering in CdS nanowires"
Juyeong Jang, Gwangseop Song, Kwanseuk Kyhm(*),and Chang-Hee Cho, Applied Physics Letters, 114, 081101 (February 2019)
3. "Shape Ellipticity Dependence of Exciton Fine Levels and Optical Nonlinearities in CdSe and CdTe Nanocrystal Quantum Dots"
Hanyi Yang, Kwangseuk Kyhm(*), Current Optics and Photonics, 3, No. 2, April 2019, pp.143-149
4. "Two-Step Energy Transfer Dynamics in Conjugated Polymer and Dye-Labeled Aptamer-Based Potassium Ion Detection
Inhong Kim , Ji-Eun Jung , Woojin Lee , Seongho Park , Heedae Kim , Young-Dahl Jho ,Han Young Woo and Kwangseuk Kyhm(*) ,Polymers, 11, No. 7, Julyl 2019, pp.1206
5. "Stimulation Emission Depleted Photoacoustic"
Seongho Park, Minju Kim, Jean-Claude Vial and Kwangseuk Kyhm(*), Optics Express, 27, No. 20, Sept 2019, 368772
6. "Modeling Quantum Beats by Degenerate Four-Wave Mixing Spectroscopy in a Single GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Ring"
Koochul Je, Kwangseuk Kyhm, Phys. Stat. Solidi-Rapid Research Letter, 13, 1800354 (2019)
Publications 2018
1. "Magnetic field insensitive photoluminescence decay
of ZnSe/CdS core/shell type-II colloidal quantum dots"
Woojin Lee, Seongho park, Akihiro Murayama, Jong-Soo Lee, Kwangseuk Kyhm(*), Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 57, 06HE06 (May 2018)
2. "Decoherence Dynamics of Localized States in a Single
GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Ring"
Minju Kim, Seongho Park, Yuma Yamashita, Kwangseuk Kyhm(*), Michio Ikezawa, Sergio Bietti, Stefano Sanguinetti, Phys. Stat.
Research Letter, 12, Issue 9 1800176,
(June 2018)
3. "Carrier Relaxation Dynamics Between Localized Vertical
Confinement States in GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Rings"
Seongho Park, Kim Jongsu, Junich TAKAYAMA and Akihiro MURAYAMA, Kwangseuk Kyhm(*), Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 73, Issue3, pp 314-319
, (Aug 2018)
4. "Optical Aharonov-Bohm Oscillations with Disorder Effects and Wigner Molecules in a Single GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Ring"
K. Kyhm(*), H.D. Kim, R. Okuyiama, M. Eto, K.C. Je, R.. Taylor, G.Nogues, L. S. Dang, A.A.L Nicholet, M. Potemski, J.S. Kim and J.D. Song, V. M. Fomin
(Ed.) Physics of Quantum Rings, 2nd Edition, Series: NanoSci. Technol. Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2018 ISBN 978-3-319-95158-4, ISBN 978-3-319-95159-1 (eBook), 586 p., 276 ill.
5. "Light
controlled optical Aharonov-Bohm oscillations in a single quantum ring"
Heedae Kim, Seongho Park, Rin Okuyama, Kwangseuk Kyhm(*), Mikio Eto, Robert A. Taylor, Gilles Nogues, Le Si Dang, Marek Potemski, Koochul Je, Jongsu Kim, Jihoon Kyhm, and Jindong Song, Nano
Letters, 2018, 18(10),pp 6188-6194 (18 Sep 2018) (2021 IF: 12.262, JCR Top 8.07%)
News link: 프레시안뉴스
6. "Two-dimensional Nature of Center-of-mass Excitons Confined in a Single CdMnTe/CdTe/CdMnTe
Woojin Lee, Minwoo Kim, Hanyi Yang, Kwangseuk Kyhm, Akihiro Murayama, Kuntheak Kheng, Henri Mariette, and Le Si Dange, Current optics and Phtonics, Volume 2, No. 6, pp 589-594, (Dec 2018)
Publications 2017
1. "Inhibitor Effects on Molecular Beacon-based Mercury
Assays for Tuning of Detection Range"
V.S. Le, J. -E. Jeong, B. Kim, J. Lee, K. Kyhm, H. Y, Woo(*), Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Volume 240, 810-817 (March 2017) (2021 IF: 9.221, JCR Top 3.12%)
2. "Quasi-one-dimensional density of states in a single
quantum ring"
Heedae Kim, Woojin Lee, Seongho park, Kwangseuk Kyhm, Koochul Je, Robert A. Taylor, Gilles Nogues, Le Si Dang & Jin Dong Song, Scientific
Reports, Rep 7, 40026
(05 Jan 2017)
News link: PNU뉴스
3. "All-optical Polarization Phase Modulation in Coupled
Quantum Dots"
K. C. Je, K. Kyhm(*), Current Optics and Photonics, 1(1) 60-64 (Feb 2017)
4. "Optical sectioning in optical resolution photoacoustic
Seongho Park, Jean-Claude Vial, and Kwangseuk Kyhm(*), Optics Express, vol.
25, No.16, 18917-18928 (27 July 2017)
5. "Surface plasmon-assisted photoluminescence enhancement
of Au-hybrid CdSe/ZnS nanocrystal quantum dots"
I. Kim, J. S. Moon, K. Kyhm*, J. W. Oh*, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, vol.
654 (22 Nov 2017)
Publications 2016
1. "Observation
of a bi-exciton Wigner molecule by fractional optical Aharonov-Bohm
oscillations in a single quantum ring"
H. D. Kim, R. Okuyama, K. Kyhm(*), M. Eto, R. A. Taylor(*), A. A.
L. Nicholet, M. Potemski, G. Nogues, L.S. Dang, K. C. Je, J. S. Kim, J.
H. Kyhm, K. H. Yeon, E. H. Lee, J. Y. Kim, I. K. Han, W. J. Choi, and J. D. Song Nano Letters, 16(1) 27-33 (14 Jan 2016) (IF 13.5 JCR Top 5%)
News link: 연합뉴스
2. "Exciton
Dipole-Dipole Interaction in a Single Coupled-Quantum-Dot Structure via Polarized Excitation"
H. D. Kim, I. Kim, K. Kyhm(*), R. A.Taylor, J. S. Kim, J. D. Song, K. C. Je, and L. S. Dang, Nano Letters. 2016, 16(12),7755-7760(15 Dec 2016) (IF 13.5, JCR Top 5%)
News link: MBN뉴스
News link: Korea Times
3. "Enhancement
of photoluminescence properties of Ba1.98SiO4-N2/3δ:Eu0.02 phosphors and their application to
green LEDs"
K. S. Hui, K. N. Hui, S. Sambasivam, X.L. Zhang, Y. R. Cho, I. H. Kim, W. J. Lee, K. Kyhm(*) and J. C. Park, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 27, No. 3, 2809 (March 2016)
Publications 2015
1. "Polarization anisotropy
of exciton in self-assembled elliptical InP/GaP quantum dots"
I. Kim, T. Kiba, A. Murayama, J. D. Song, K. Kyhm(*), Current Applied Physics, 15, No. 4, 733-738 (May2015)
2. "Photosensitization of novel ruthenium-functionalized
photoconductive polymers: Effect of ruthenium complex as
Jong-Sik Moon
, Chuntae Kim,
, Won-Geun Kim,
, Inhong Kim
, Kwangseuk Kyhm
Jin-Woo Oh(*),
Nakjoong Kim(*), Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, Volume 310, 141-147, (september 2015)
3. "Solvent-modified ultrafast decay dynamics in conjugated polymer/dye
labeled single stranded DNA"
Inhong Kim, Mijeong Kang, Han Young Woo, Jin-Woo Oh, Kwangseuk Kyhm(*) , SPIE, Vol. 9523, 95230N (8 July 2015),
Publications 2014
1. "Ultrafast combined dynamics of
Forster resonant energy transfer and transient quenching in cationic polyfluorene/fluorescein-labeeled single-stranded DNA complex"
Kim, K. Kyhm(*), M. Kang, and H. Y. Woo, Journal
of Luminescence, 149, 185-189 (May 2014)
2. "Conjugated polyelectrolyte and aptamer based potassium
assay via single- and two-step fluorescence energy
transfer with a tunable dynamic detection range"
BaoLam Nguyen, JI-Eun Jeong, In Hwang Jung, Boram Kim, In Hong Kim, KwangseukKyhm, and H. Y. W. Woo(*), Advanced Functional
Materials, 24, No. 12, 1748-1757 (26 March 2014)(JCR Top 10%)
3. "Calculation of the Reflectivity Spectrum in ZnO by
using the exciton-polariton model"
Yang, and Kwangseuk Kyhm(*), New Physics: Sae Mulli, 64,
No. 4, 376-383 (April 2014)
(Editor’s choice cover
4. "Low gain threshold density of a
single InGaP quantum well sandwiched by digital alloy"
B. J.
Kim, K. Kyhm(*), K. C. Je, J. D. Song, S. Y. Kim, E. H. Lee, and R. A. Taylor, CurrentApplied Physics, 14, No. 9, 1293-1295 (September 2014)
5. "Temperature dependence of
the radiative recombination time in ZnO nanorods under an external magnetic
field of 6 T"
Lee, T. Kiba, A. Murayama, C. Sartel, V. Sallet, I. Kim, R.
A. Robert, Y. D. Jho, and K. Kyhm(*), Optics Express, 22, No. 15, 17959-17967 (28 July 2014) (JCR Top 10%)
Publications 2013
1. "Asymmetry
of localised states in a single quantum ring: polarization dependence of
excitons and biexcitons"
H. D. Kim, K.
Kyhm (*), R. A. Taylor(*), G. Nogues, K. C. Je, E. H. Lee, and J. D. Song, Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, No. 3, 033112 (21 January 2013)
2. "Excited exciton and bi-exciton localised states in a single quantum ring"
H. D. Kim, K. Kyhm(*), R. A. Taylor(*), A. A. L. Nicolet, M. Potemski, G. Nogues, K. C. Je, E. H. Lee, and J. D. Song, Applied Physics Letters, 103, No. 17, 173106 (21 October 2013)
Publications 2012
1. "Amplified
all-optical polarization phase modulator assisted by a local surface Plasmon in
Au-hybrid CdSe quantum
Kwangseuk Kyhm(*), Koo-chul Je, and Robert
A. Taylor, Optics Express, 12, No. 18,
19735-19743 (28 August 2012)
* Also, selected by the Editor Andrew Dunn
and Anthony Durkin in the Virtual J. for Biomedical Optics (Nanotechnology
category Vol. 7, iss. 10, 5 Oct. 2012.)
"Ultrafast dynamics of Förster
resonance energy transfer and photo-induced charge transfer in cationic polyfluorene/dye-labeled DNA Complex"
Kwangweuk Kyhm(*), Inhong Kim, MijeongKang, Han Young Woo(*), J. Nanoscience and
Nanotechnology, 12, No. 10, 7733-7738 (October 2012)
3. "Sub-Picosecond
Spin Relaxation of Bright Excitons and Imbalance Suppression in Asymmetric
Cdse/Zns Nanocrystal Quantum Dots Under an Applied Magnetic Field"
Kyhm(*), Jihoon Kim, Ho-Soon Yang, Koo-chul Je, and Akihiro Murawama, J. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 12, No. 3, 2919-2923 (March 2012)
4. "Optically-induced
Nonlinearities and Polarization Modulation of Spin Dichroism in CdSe Quantum
Kwangseuk Kyhm. Kyhm(*), Journal Kor. Phys. Soc., 61, No. 5, L675~L678
(September 2012)
Publications 2011
"Non-equilibrium carrier dynamics and many
body effects in highly excited GaN"
Kwangseuk Kyhm, Luccio Rota, and Robert
Taylor, Physica status solidi
(a), 208, No. 5, 1159-1165
(May 2011)
"Surface-plasmon-assisted modal gain
enhancement in Au-hybrid CdSe/ZnS nanocrystal quantum
Jihoon Kyhm, Jaebeom Lee, and Kwangseuk
Kyhm, Applied Physics Letters,
99, No. 21, 213112
(21 November 2011)
*also selected for the December 5, 2011 issue of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology.
"Time-resolved FRET and PCT in cationic
conjugated polymer/dye-labeled DNA complex"
Inhong Kim, Jihoon Kim, Bumjin Kim, Mijeong Kang, Han
Young Woo, and Kwangseuk Kyhm, AIP Conf. Proc., 1399, 861
(December 2011)
4. "Ultrafast phase dynamics of ellipsometry
based on spin dichroism in nanocrystal quantum dots"
Jihoon Kyhm, and Kwangseuk Kyhm, AIP Conf. Proc., 1399, 719 (December
relaxation processes in CdSe/ZnS QDs"
S. M. Kim, K. S. Hong, K. Kyhm, and Ho-Soon Yang, AIP Conf. Proc., 1399, 535 (December 2011)
origin of stimulated emission and temperature dependence in
Bumjin Kim, Doman Kim, Chaeryong Cho, Norihiro Tamura,
Tatsushiro Yamazaki, Akihiro Murayama, and Kwangseuk Kyhm, AIP Conf. Proc., 1399, 25 (December 2011)
Publications 2010
1. "Polarization dependence of optical modal gain in ZnO"
Bumjin Kim, Kwangseuk Kyhm, and Chaeryong Cho, J. Korean Phys. Soc., 56,
No. 1, 351-355 (15 January 2010)
2. "Optical nonlinearities of fine exiton states in CdSe quantum dot"
Koo-chul Je, Inchul Shin, Jihoon Kim, and Kwangseuk Kyhm, Applied Physics Letters, 97, No. 10, 103110 (6 September 2010)
*Selected in Virtual J. Ultrafast Science Oct. 2010.
3. "Polarization asymmetry and optical modal gain saturation via carrier-photon interaction in ZnO"
Bumjin Kim, Heedae Kim, K. Kyhm, and Chaeryong Cho, Applied Physics Letters, 97, No. 4, 041115 (26 July 2010)
4. "Two-photon absorption properties of cationic 1,4-Bis(styryl)benzene derivative and its inclusion complex with cyclodextrins"
Okhil Kumar Nag, Rati Ranjan Nayakk, Chang Su Lim, In Hong Kim, Kwangseuk Kyhm, Bongrae Cho, and Han Young Woo, J. Physical Chemistry B, 114, No. 29, 9684-9690 (29 July 2010)
5. "Solvent-assisted optical modulation in FRET to dye-labeled DNA for conjugated polymer-based DNA detection"
Mijeong Kang, Okhil Kumar Nag, Sungu Hwang, Inhong Kim, Haesik Yang, Kwanagseuk Kyhm, and Han Young Woo, Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics,
12, No. 47, 15482-15489 (21 December 2010)
Publications 2009
1. "Ultrafast all-optical switching of resonantly-excited 1Se1/2-1Sh3/2 state spin in CdSe/ZnS nanocrystal quantum dots"
Jihoon Kim, Rajesh Sharma, Ho-Soon Yang, and Kwangseuk Kyhm, J. Korean Phys. Soc., 54, No. 2, 612~615 (2009)
2. "Modal gain enhancement by cylindrical waveguide and gain saturation in CdSe nanocrystal quantum dots"
Sangmin Kim, Rajesh Sharma, Bumjin Kim, Ho-Soon Yang, and Kwangseuk Kyhm, J. Physics D, 42, 095403 (2009)
3. "Modal optical gain and cavity mode analysis of unstructured and optically structured ZnO nanocrystalline thin films"
Rajesh Sharma, Bumjin Kim, Chaeryong Cho, and Kwangseuk Kyhm, J. Physics D: Appl. Phys, 42 135421 (2009)
4. "Sub-picosecond all-optical switching of exciton spin polarization in nanocrystal quantum dots toward terabit communication"
Rajesh Sharma, Jihoon Kim, Ho-Soon Yang, and Kwangseuk Kyhm, J. Korean Phys. Soc., 55, 259-262 (2009)
5 "Photoluminescence Up-conversion of Bioconjugated Hybrids on CdTe and Au Nanoparticles"
Seonghoon Kim, Fangfang Sun, Hongxia Chen, Kwangnak Koh, Kwangseuk Kyhm, and Jaebeom Lee, Journal of Nanoscience and nanotechnology, 9, 7061-7064 (2009)
6. "Enhanced transition probabilities and trapping state emission of quencher impurities doped CaS:Mn phosphors"
Rajesh Sharma, H. S. Batti, Kwangseuk Kyhm, Journal of optoelectronics and advanced materials, 11, 62-69 (2009)
7. "Enhanced oscillator strengths and optical parameters of doped ZnS bulk phosphors"
Rajesh Sharma, H. S. Batti, Kwangseuk Kyhm, Applied Physics B-Laser and Optics, 97, 145-155 (2009)
1. "Ultrafast
Dynamics of the Band-Gap Renormalization
and the State-Filling Effect in Strongly-Confined CdSe/ZnS Nanocrystals"
Ji-Hoon Kim, Kwangseuk Kyhm and Yasuaki Masumoto, J. Korean Phys. Soc., 52, No. 1, 64-69 (2008)
1. “Gain dynamics
and excitonic transition in CdSe colloidal quantum dots” K. Kyhm, J. H. Kim, S. M. Kim, Ho-Soon Yang, Optical Materials, 30,
158-160 (2007)
2. “Time-resolved free exciton trapping and
thermal activation in bound-exciton in GaN” S. H Na, K. Kyhm, J. Korean Phys. Soc., 51, No. 2, 539-544 (2007)
3. "Polarization-dependent
optical gain in crystal and glass composed of excited-state intramolecular
proton transfer organic molecules” Hwan Hong Lim, Shanmugam Boomadevi, Oc-Yeub Jeon, Ksangseuk
Kyhm, Myoungsik Cha, Sanghyuk Park, Soo Young Park, Materials Letters, 61(19-20), 4213-4215 (2007)
4. “Comparison of exciton optical
nonlinearities for resonant and non-resonant excitation” K. Kyhm, R. A. Talor, J. Korean Phys. Soc., 51, No. 1, 149-154 (2007)
5. “Temporal
behaviour of the energy relaxation of hot carriers in ZnO single crystals” Kyung-soo Yi, Jae-seok Kim, Kwangseuk Kyhm, J. Korean Phys. Soc., 50, No. 6, 1670-1673 (2007)
6. “Auger
recombination and state filling of resonantly excited ground state in CdSe
quantum dots” J. H. Kim, K. Kyhm, S. M., Kim, Ho-Soon Yang, Journal of Applied Physics, 101, No. 10, 103108 (2007) Selected Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science, 6, No 6 (2007) and also in Virtual J. Nanoscience and Technology, 15, No 22 (2007)
7. “Interfacial effect on thermal conductivity of
T2O3 thin films deposited on Al2O3” Ho-Soon Yang, J. W. Kim, G. H. Park, C. S. Kim, K. Kyhm, S.
R. Kim, K. C. Kim, K. S Hong, Thermochimica Acta, 455(1-2), 50-54 (2007)
8. “Transient optical gain
studies in organic single crystals composed of excited-state intramolecular
proton-transfer molecules” Hwan Hong Lim, Shamnugam Boomadevi, Oc-Yeub Jeon, Kwangseuk
Kyhm, Myoungsik Cha, Sanghyuk Park, Soo Young Park, J. Korean Phys. Soc., 50, No. 2,
484-488 (2007)
9. “Optical gain in CdSe nanocrystals” K. Kyhm, S. M. Kim, J. H. Kim, B. J. Kim, H. H. Lim, K. S.
Hong, M. S. Cha, Ho-Soon Yang, JOURNAL OF
LUMINESCENCE, 122-123, 808-811 (2007)
10. Optical Modal Gain Saturation of Exciton-Exciton Scattering and Electron-Hole Plasma in ZnO" B. J. Kim and K. Kyhm,
J. Korean Phys. Soc., 51, No. 5,
1726-1731 (2007)
Publications 2006
1. “Optical
properties and surface conditions of CdSe quantum dots” Sang Min Kim, K. Kyhm, Ho-Soon Yang, K. S. Hong, J. Korean Phys. Soc., 49, No. 97, S688-S691 (2006)
2. “Aanalysis of
Energy Loss Rates of High-Density Electron-Hole Plasma in GaN and ZnO” Jae Seok Kim, Kwangseuk Kyhm, Kyung-Soo Yi, J. Korean Phys. Soc., 49, No. 97, S500-S504 (2006)
3. “Submicroporous/microporous
and compatible/incompatible multi-functional dual-layer polymer electrolytes
and their interfacial characteristics with lithium metal anode” Young-Gi Lee, Kwangseuk Kyhm, Nam-Soon Choi, Kwang Sun Ryu, JOURNAL OF
163 , No. 1, 264-268 (2006)
4. “Dynamics and Bleaching of Ground State
in CdSe/SnZ Quantum Dots”, J. H. Kim,K. Kyhm, Journal of the Optical Society of Korea, 10, No. 4, 184-187 (2006)
5. “Time
resolved spectroscopy of non-thermal carrier dynamics in GaN” K. Kyhm, R. Lota, R. A. Taylor, J. F. Ryan, N. J. Cain, CURRENT APPLIED
PHYSICS, 6, No. 5, 909-912 (2006)
6. “Surface charge retention and
enhanced polarization effect on ferroelectric thin films” J. Y. Son, K. Kyhm, J. H. Cho, Applied Physics Letters, 89, No. 9, 092907 (2006)
7. “Dynamics of Localized Carriers in
InGaN Multi-Quantum Wells” K. Kyhm, R. A. Taylor, J. Korean Phys. Societies, 49, No. 2,
538-541 (2006)