Chronological milestones in lab. history






Dec. 2024-

Prof. Kwangseuk Kyhm was awarded the best columist by Kookje Newspaper.

Dec. 2024-

A Patent 'Method and system for verification of genuine product using quantum dot' has been registered at the Korean Intellectual Property Office. (18th Dec.)

Nov. 2024-

Min Woo Kim visited the University of Oxford (Nov.~Dec. 2024).

Oct. 2024-

Dr. Le Si Dang (CNRS-Grenoble) visited for discussion and special lecture (11~24 Oct.)

Aug. 2024-

Jungwon Kim visited the University of Oxford (Aug~Sept.2024).

May. 2024-

Dr. Jacek Kasprzak (CNRS-Grenoble) visited for discussion and special lecture (2nd May. ~ 4th May.)

Apr. 2024-

Prof. Robert Taylor (University of Oxford) visited for discussion and special lecture (1st Apr. ~ 7th Apr.)

Mar. 2024-

Agna Antony began to read her PhD.

Feb. 2024 -

Prof. Jisu Kim visited LiPhy with 5 selected undergraduates (Optics & Mechatronics).




Oct. 2023 -

Prof. Le Si Dang (CNRS-Grenoble) visited for discussion and special lecture (12th Oct. ~ 26th Oct.)

Aug. 2023-

Jinu Kim visited Department of Physics, University of Oxford.

Jun. 2023-

Jungwon Kim visited Department of Physics, University of Oxford.

May. 2023-

International Joint Research Center for Quantum-Bio Nanophotonics was founded through the BrainLink Grant.

Apr. 2023-

Dr. Jacek Kasprzak (CNRS-Grenoble) visited for discussion and special lecture (10th Apr. ~ 12th Apr.)

Apr. 2023-

Dr. Sanghyuk Park began to work at the Clarendon laboratory.

Jan. 2023-

Jungwon Kim visited Department of Physics, University of Oxford.

Jan. 2023-

Jinu Kim visited LIPhy, Université Grenoble Alpes.







Aug. 2022-

Jungwon Kim was awarded "The Best Research of 2022 Summer Internship" from the Department.

Aug. 2022-

Seunghwan Lee was awarded "the Bleuse Pascal Scholarship" from the French Government for his PNU-UGA Joint PhD Degree.

Aug. 2022-

So Young Park was awarded M. Edu. with "Measurement and Analysis of Magnetically Induced Damped Oscillation".

May 2022-

Prof. Kwangseuk Kyhm was awarded "PNU Educator Prize".

Feb. 2022-

Seunghwan Lee was awarded "Best Presentation-Jobs Award" by the department of Cognomechatronics (BK21 Four).

Feb. 2022-

Hany Yang was awarded Ph. D in Education with "Exciton energy level and optical nonlinearities of quantum dots and quantum rings".

Feb. 2022-

Inhong Kim was awarded "Best Poster Presentation" at the Semiconductor Winter Workshop with "Optical nanotopography of fluorescent surface by axial position modulation".







Nov. 2021-

Seunghwan Lee succeeded in a PALM image of a neuron cell, where CdTe QDs are utilized for the blinking.

Oct. 2021-

Dr. Hyeongyong Hwang began a one-year fellowship at the Clarendon laboratory.

Oct. 2021-

Dr. Hyeongyong Hwang joined as a Post Doc.

Sep. 2021-

Ming Mei began to read D. Phil degree.

Sep. 2021-

Seunghwan Lee began to read the PNU-UGA Joint PhD degree.

Aug. 2021-

Jisu Yun was awarded M. Phil Degree "Study of Optical Nonlinear Photoacoustic in Rhodamine 6G".

Jun. 2021-

Jisu Yun was awarded "Best Poster Presentation" at KPS-Busan/Ulsan/Gyeongnam Branch Meeting (25~26 June 2021) for "Study of Optical Nonlinear Photoacoustic in Rhodamine 6G".

Jun. 2021-

Dr. Minju Kim stayed at Liphy-Grenoble(Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Physique) for 12 months under the supervision of Dr. Eric Lacot for Photoacoustic imaing project.

May 2021-

The double PhD program between PNU and UGA is announced.

Mar. 2021-

Dr. Inhong Kim joined as a BK-Research Professor.

Feb. 2021-

Seunghwan Lee and Minju Kim succeeded in acquiring SHG image from Monosodium Urate crystal.

Feb. 2021-

Seunghwan Lee succeeded in acquiring SHG image from the dentin structure of teeth.

Feb. 2021-

Teawon Yang was awarded M.Phil. Degree. "슐리렌 이미징과 광마이크를 이용한 초음파 공진기의 음향세기 분포 분석"

Feb. 2021-

Minju Kim was awarded Dr. Phil. Degree. "Time-resolved Spectroscopy of Coherent and Nonlinear Photoluminescence in Quantum Rings"

Feb. 2021-

Juyeong Jang  was awarded Dr. Phil. Degree. "The Study of Optical Gain in Nano/Bio-Structures and Noise Filtering Analysis"

Feb. 2021-

Seunghwan Lee was awarded M. Phil. Degree. "Topological Study of Dentinal Tubules by Two Photon Microscopy"







Nov. 2020-

Minju Kim was awarded  "Excellent Oral presentation prize" by the Korean Physical Society for Coherent polarizaion of micro-photoluminescence in an anisotropic single quantum ring (Fall KPS-Meeting 2020).

Nov. 2020-

Seongho Park began a one-year fellowship at the Clarendon laboratory

Aug. 2020-

Minwoo Kim succeeded in detecting photoacoustic signals by the optical mic.

Aug. 2020-

Minwoo Kim and Taewon Yang measured the ultrasonic standing waves by the Schlieren optics.

Aug. 2020-

Seunghwan Lee observed the first two-photon fluorescence image of tubules.  

May. 2020-

Minju Kim succeeded in observing micro-PL of a single quantum ring at 4K.

Mar. 2020-

Dr. Inhong Kim stayed at Liphy-Grenoble(Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Physique) for 12 months under the supervision of Dr. Irene Wang for Zscan microscopy  imaging project.

Feb. 2020-

Minju Kim stayed at Liphy-Grenoble(Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Physique) for 2 months under the supervision of Prof. Irene Wang for Zscan microscopy project.

Feb. 2020-

Seunghwan Lee stayed at Liphy-Grenoble(Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Physique) for 3 months under the supervision of Prof. Aurelien Gourrier for anatomy of dentistry imaging project.

Jan. 2020-

Dr. Inhong Kim joined as a Post Doc.







Dec. 2019-

Prof. Vladimir Formin stayed for the theoretical collaboration of quantum ring (2 ~15 Dec. 2019).

Sep. 2019-

Minwoo Kim and Minju Kim stayed at Hokkaido University for magneto-PL measurment

Mar. 2019-

Seunghwan Lee and Taewon Yang began to read M. Phil Degree, respectively. 

Feb. 2019-

Minkyuong Kang was awarded Master Degree with her thesis "펨토초 펄스 레이저를 이용한 나노 수용액의 군굴절률 측정"

Feb. 2019-

Gwangsseop Song was awarded Master Degree with his thesis of optical gain of inelastic scatterings in CdS nanowires.

Feb. 2019-

Woojin Lee was awarded Ph.D Degree with his thesis "Study of exciton confinement dimensionality in nanostructures by temperature and magnetic field dependence of time-resolved photoluminescence"







Dec. 2018-

Seongho Park (8th Dec ~23th Feb) and Minju Kim (13th Jan~ 23th Feb) stayed at LiPhy-Grenoble for optical imaging

Dec. 2018 -

Gwangseop Sonwas awarded M. Phil with his thesis of Optical gain of inelastic excitonic scatterings in CdS nanowires.

Nov. 2018 -

Prof. Vladimir Fomin (IFW-Dresden) visited for discussion and special lecture (6th Nov. ~ 17th Nov.)

Oct. 2018 -

Prof. Jean-Claude Vial (CNRS-Grenoble) visited for discussion and special lecture (28th Oct~ 10th Nov)

Oct. 2018 -

Prof. Le Si Dang (CNRS-Grenoble) visited for discussion and special lecture (17th Oct. ~ 30th Oct.)

Aug. 2018 -

Seongho park was awarded D. Phil with his thesis of Single Structure Analysis: Localized States in a Single Quantum Dot, Optical Sectioning in Optical Resolutin Photo-acoustic Microscopy.

Mar. 2018 -

Hany Yang was awarded "Excellent Oral presentation prize" by Korean Physical Society for Shape ellipticity dependence of exciton levels and optical nonlinearities in CdSe and CdTe nanocrystal quantum dots (Spring KPS-Meeting 2018).







Nov. 2017 -

Yuxiang Li was qualified with his Ph. D thesis entitled "Design, synthesis and characterization of semi-crystalline pi-conjugated polymers and small molecule for optoelectronic devices." under practical co-supervision of Prof. H. Y. Woo.

Nov. 2017 -

Seongho park stayed at IFW-Dresden for 2 weeks under the supervision of Prof. Vladimir Fomin, Prof. Fei Ding for an QD-QR magnetic dependence project.

Nov. 2017 -

Prof. Le Si Dang visited for discussion and special lecture on quantum dots (1th Nov. ~ 15th Nov.)

Nov. 2017 -

Prof. Vladimir Fomin (IFW-Dresden) visited for discussion and special lecture (3th Nov. ~ 14th Nov.)

Sep. 2017 -

Juyeong Jang stayed at Liphy-Grenoble(Laratoire Interdisciplinaire de Physique) for 3 months under the supervision of Prof. Jean-Claude Vial for enhanced photo-acoustic imaging project.

Jul. 2017 -

The first collaboration result of PNU-Liphy-Grenoble project was published in Optics Express, where Seongho Park is involved as the first author.

Jul. 2017 -

Juyeong Jang was awarded "Excellent paper Award" by Optical society of Korea for Equilibrium between lattice temperature and carrier temperature of size distributed InAlAs quantum dot ensembles (2017 OSK Summer Meeting).

Mar. 2017 -

Minkyung Kang began to read Master Degree

Mar. 2017 -

Seongho park stayed at LiPhy-Grenoble (Laratoire Interdisciplinaire de Physique) for 3 months under the supervision of Prof. Jean-Claude Vial for an acoustic-STED project.

Feb. 2017 -

Prof. Jean-Claude Vial (CNRS-Grenoble) visited for discussion and special lecture (12~24 Feb)

Feb. 2017 -

A new tunable high power ps laser system (ND:YAG laser +OPG) began to operate

Feb. 2017 -

Le Van Sang was awarded Ph. D degree with his thesis entitled "Design, synthesis and characterization of conjugated polyelectrolytes for fluorescent chemo-bio assays" under practical co-supervision of Prof. H. Y. Woo.

Feb. 2017 -

Minwoo Kim was awarded Master Degree with this thesis entitled "Time-resolved excitation correlation spectroscopy for state-fillting and band-gap renormalization in a center-ofmass exciton confined quantum well"

Feb. 2017 -

Yeonhong Choi was awarded M. Edu with his thesis of Comparison of reflectivity in metal, semiconductor, and insulator for knowledge integration between electricity and optics.







Dec. 2016 -

Prof. Vladimir Fomin (Modoval State Univ.) visited for discussion and special lecture (19Dec. ~ 19 Jan.)

Nov. 2016 -

Le Van Sang was qualified with his Ph.D thesis "Design, synthesis and characteization of conjugated polyelectrolytes for fluorescent chemo-bio assays" under practical co-supervision of Prof. H. Y. Woo.

Sep. 2016 -

Seongho Park stayed at LiPhy-Grenoble (Laratoire Interdisciplinaire de Physique) for 3 months under the supervision of Prof. Jean-Claude Vial for an acoustic-STED project.

Sep. 2016 -

Minju Kim visited Clarendon Laboratory of University of Oxford and also stays at CNRS/CEA for 3 months under the supervision of DR.Gilles Nogues for a coupled-quantum-dot project.

Sep. 2016 -

Prof. Le Si Dang visited for discussion and special lecture on quantum dots (25th Sept. ~ 8th Oct.)

Jul. 2016 -

Seongho Park measured the coherece time of a localised state in a single quantum ring through the collaboration with Prof. Ikezawa at Tsukuba University

Jun. 2016 -

Mohammad Afsar was qualified with his Ph.D thesis “Design, synthesis and characterization of semicrystallineconjugated polymer semiconductors for polymer solar cells”, co-supervised by Prof. H.Y. Woo

Jun. 2016 -

Truong Nguyen Dat Thanh was qualified with this Master Degree thesis “Synthesis and characterization of π-conjugated polymers based on 2,1,3-benzothiadiazole-5,6-dicarboxylic imide for polymer solar cells”, co-supervised by Prof. H.Y. Woo.

Feb. 2016 -

Minju Kim & Juyeong Jang succeeded to align time-resolved Kerr rotation setup in Hokkaido University

Feb. 2016 -

Minju Kim is awarded M. Phil with his thesis of Time-resolved ellipsometry of center-of-mass exciton confined quantum well structure.

Feb. 2016 -

Observation of a biexciton Wigner molecule by fractional optical Aharonov-Bohm oscillatioins in a single quantum ring' was oral-Presented in QD-2016

Feb. 2016 -

Ji-Hyeon Kim was awarded M. Phil with her thesis of "Synthesis and Characterization of π-Conjugated Polymers Based on Naphtho[1,2-c:5,6-c]bis[1,2,5]thiadiazole for Polymer Solar Cells"

Jan. 2016 -

Seongho Park was awarded "Excellect paper Award" by Optical society of Korea for Localized states of a heat-treated droplet quantum dot : Time-resolved & micro-magneto Pl and Optical Aharonov Bohm oscillations (27th OSK meeting 2016)







Dec. 2015 -

Prof. Le Si Dang Visited for Special Lecture“Optical Characterization of semiconductor heterostructures” & discussion.

Nov 2015 -

Seongho Park was awarded "Best presentataion Award" by Pusan National Univ & Hiroshima Univ for Localised state and optical Aharonov-Bohm oscillations of a quantum ring on the top of droplet quantum dot (2015 Korean-Japanese student Workshop)

Oct. 2015 -

Minjoo Kim observed pump-probe signals of center-of-mass confined excitons at 4K.

Oct. 2015 -

Prof. Jean-Claude Vial (CNRS-Grenoble) visited.

Oct 2015 -

Seongho Park was awarded "Best Presentation Prize" by PNU Nano Science & Engineering College.

Sep. 2015 -

Woojin Lee stayed for 3 months at CEA/CNRS-Grenoble (Global BK21+ internship).

Aug. 2015 -

Inhong Kim is awarded D. Phil with his thesis of Time-resolved spectroscopy of linear and nonlinear photoluminescence in hybrid nanostructures. 

Aug. 2015 -

Woojin Lee confirmed the Aharonov-Bohm effect in ensemble type-II nanocrystal quantum dots, which surprisingly manifests that a coherent closed loop is possible via tunneling through the shell of adjacent type-II quantum dots.     

Jun. 2015 -

Minwoo Kim observed time-resolved photoluminescence by excitation correlation technique.

Jul. 2015 -

Prof. Je and Prof. Kyhm suggested model of polarization dependence of excitonic dipole-dipole interaction in a coupled quantum dot molecule.

May 2015 -

Seongho Park confirmed the presence of localized states in a single droplet quantum dot by micro-magneto PL, supported by LIA (CNRS-LNCMI).

Mar. 2015 -

Min Woo Kim began to read M. Phil.

Mar. 2015 -

Sookyung Chun and Hyesu Kim joined as a Probationary student.

Feb. 2015 -

Bumjin Kim is awarded D. Phil “Optical modal gain of exciton and free carrier in semiconductor nanostructures

Feb. 2015 -

Prof. Vladimir Fomin (IFW-Dresden) visited for seminar “Topological effects in quantum rings & discussion.







Dec. 2014 -

UQO lab joined the French-Korean LIA (Laboratoire International Associé)

Dec. 2014 -

Minju Kim was awarded the Best Poster Presentation award at NANOPIA-2014 for "Incident angle-dependent reflectivity in Au and PMMA & Constant pseudo Brewster angle contour"

Nov. 2014 -

Hany Yang (M. Edu.) was awarded the academic prize of PNU Graduate School of Education for his work “Calculation of Reflectivity spectrum in ZnO with exciton-polariton model

Oct. 2014 -

Dr. Heedae Kim observed a single photon from a single quantum ring (anti-bunching with g2~0.38).

Oct. 2014 -

Prof. Le Si Dang (Institut Néel of CNRS-Grenoble) visited for discussion on quantum dot & quantum ring.

Aug. 2014 -

Hany Yang is awarded M. Phil degree in Education with “Calculation of Reflectivity spectrum in ZnO with exciton-polariton model”

Aug. 2014 -

Dr. Peter Spencer visited from Imperial College to present “The Aharonov-Bohm effect in type-I quantum dots”

May 2014 -

Hanyi Yang's work of "Calculation of the Reflectivity spectrum in ZnO by using the Exciton-Polariton Model" was selected for the cover page of New Physics:Sae Mulli, and also introduced in Physics & High Technology. 

May 2014 -

"Modulation of Optical Aharonov-Bohm Effect in an Anisotropic Single Quantum Ring" was oral-presented at QD-2014 held in PISA of Italy

Mar. 2014 -

Juyeong Jang and Minju Kim began to read D.Phil and M. Phil Degree, respectively. 

Feb. 2014 -

Prof. Yasuaki Masumoto visited to present "Fast charge transfer from quantum dots for solar cells"

Feb. 2014 -

Seungho Park and Woojin Lee  confirmed the polarization asymmetry and the presence of bi-exciton in a droplet quantum dot at Clarendon laboratory of University of Oxford.   

Feb. 2014 -

Prof. Le Si Dang (Institut Néel of CNRS-Grenoble) visited for discussion on quantum dot, coupled quantum dots, and quantum ring.

Feb. 2014 -

Woojin Lee is awarded M. Phil Degree "Temperature and magnetic field dependence of radiative recombination time in ZnO nanorods"

Jan. 2014 -

Bumjin Kim measureed coherent amplified spontaneous emission from nanocrystal quantum dots.







Oct. 2013 -

Spatial image of a diluted CdSe/ZnS is measured by two-photon emission microscopy in a micron resolution by Sungho Park.   

Sep. 2013 -

Cross-correlation of a pair of 70-femtosecond laser pulses was measured by using two-photon emission of CdSe/ZnS nanocrystal quantum dots by Inhong Kim.   

Jul. 2013 -

Prof.  Akihiro Murayama (Graduate School of Information Science and Technology at Hokkaido University) visited for discussion on the collaboration issues on spin-injection, gain in QD-array, and exciton dimensionality.

Jul. 2013 -

"Optical Aharonov-Bohm Effect in a Volcano-like Single Quantum Ring" was oral-presented in EDISON-18 held in Matsue of Japan. 

Jun. 2013 -

Prof. Mikio Eto and Dr. Rin Okuyama from Keio University (Faculity of Science) visited for discussion on the recent results of optical fractional AB oscillation. 

Jun. 2013 -

Prof.  Chen-Yuan Dong (Dept. of Physics at National Taiwan University) visited for aligning two-photon microscope

Mar. 2013 -

Factional Optical Aharonov-Bohm Oscillation was observed in biexciton by Prof. K. Kyhm and Heedae Kim at LNCMI of Grenoble supported by EuroMagNet-II proposal.







Oct. 2012 -

Widely tunable and  hands-free mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser (CAMELEON 18 W-pumped)  was installed with automated tunable extension of OPO, by which two-photon microscopy set-up begins to align by Dr. Ara, supported by Prof. Changseok Kim and Prof. Chen Yuan Dong via WCU project.

Oct. 2012 -

Woojin Lee and Sungho Park succeeded in a Lab-talk/Math-Lab coding for the confinement energy level calculations of a quantum well structure with barrier mass correction. 

Oct. 2012 -

The article published in Optics Express (vol. 27, 19735, 2012), "Amplified all-optical polarization phase modulator assisted by a local surface plasmon in Au-hybrid CdSe quantum dots", had been selected by the Editor, Andrew Dunn and Anthony Durkin for publication in the Virtual J. for Biomedical Optics (Nanotechnology category, Vol.7, iss.10-, 5 Oct. 2012).

Aug. 2012 -

Jihoon Kim was awarded D.Phil. "Ultrafast optical nonlinearities and spin dynamics in CdSe/ZnS nanocrystal quantum dots"

June. 2012 -

EuroMagNet-II Proposal entitled "Fractional optical Aharonov-Bohm effect in a single quantum ring" was accepted for 25-T magneto-micro-PL at LNCMI.

May. 2012 -

"Apparatus and method for optical modal gain characteristics measurement" was registered in Korea Patent (10-1149478).

May. 2012 -

Prof. Kyhm observed the optical Aharonov-Bohm effect in a single quatum ring in collaboration with CNRS-Grenoble during his sabbatical period.

Mar. 2012 -

Woojin Lee (Dept.. Physics) and Sungho Park (RCDAMP) began to read M. phil.

Mar. 2012 -

Hany Yang also began to read M. Edu.







Dec. 2011 -

"Surface-plasmon-assisted modal gain enhancement in Au-hybrid CdSe/ZnS nanocrystal quantum dots" published in Appl. Phys. Lett. was also selected in Virtual J. Nanoscale Science & Technology.

Aug. 2011 -

Seokun Yoo and Jongwan Kim were awarded M. Phil Degree in Education with "The study on normal vibraton of coupled and forced oscillation of elastic body" and "Measurement of resonance and phase retardation by magnetic-induced vibration of linear spring through micro computer based laboratory (MBL)", respectively.

Aug. 2011 -

Prof. Kyhm proposed an amplified all-optical polarization phase modulator assisted by a local surface plasmon in Au-hybrid CdSe quantum dots in collaboration with Prof. K. C. Je and Prof. R. A. Taylor.

Jun. 2011 -

Inhong Kim was awarded "Outstanding Oral presenration Prize" by Korean Physical Society for FRET based enhanced DNA  detection and ultrafast dynamics in conjugated polymers/dye labeled DNA complex (Spring KPS-Meeting 2011).

Jun. 2011 -

Bumjin Kim calculated the confinement energy levels and mini-band of digital-alloy, which is in excellent agreement with the fine PLE spectrum measured by Inhong Kim.

Apr. 2011 -

Changjune Lee joined as a probationary research student.

Apr. 2011 -

Fine PLE and Modal Gain of CdSe/ZnS-Au are measured, where QDs are successfully attached to Au film by polymers.

Apr. 2011 -

Jongwan Kim measured anharmonicity of a hand-made elasticity and eigen frequencies of coupled oscillations based on MBL.

Mar. 2011 -

Ultrafast energy transfer of FRET and charge transfer in cationic conjugated polymer/dye-labeled DNA complex was oral presented by Inhong Kim at Hybrid Materials 2011 held in Strasbourg of France.

Feb. 2011 -

Office manager Jungmin Lee married.

Feb. 2011 -

Heedae Kim succeeded in a single nanocrystal quantum dot spectroscopy on diluted CdSe/ZnS film attached on glass by HDT.

Jan. 2011 -

New laboratory was open, equipped with CEP fs-laser and ventilation-humidity control system.

Jan. 2011 -

Seokun Yoo succeeded in magnetic-induced vibration resonance and phase retardation based on microcomputer-based laboratory kit.







Oct. 2010 -

Heedae Kim began to read D.Phil in Clarendon Laboratory of Univ. Oxford.

Oct. 2010 -

Jihoon Kim calculated exciton wavefunction contour map in CdSe QD.

Oct. 2010 -

Dr. Kiba and Mr. Yamazaki from Prof. Murayama Laboratory in Hokkaido University visited to learn modal gain contour map and spin dynamics model.

Sep. 2010 -

Bumjin Kim was awarded Jang's Lab scholarship for the work " Polarization asymmetry and optical modal gain saturation via carrier-photon interaction in ZnO" published in Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 041115 (2010).

Aug. 2010 -

"Ultrafast all-optical switch on exciton spin polarization in nanocrystal quantum dot at room temperature for Terabit communication" had been registered as Korean Patent (10-0979953)

Jul. 2010 -

Carrier-envelope phase stabilized pulse seeded by a 7 fs pulse is operated.

Jul. 2010 -

Inhong Kim was awarded " Distinguished paper prize" by time-resolved energy transfer in CCP/ssDNA-Fl complex in Korean Optics Meeting (BEXCO/Summer 2010)

Jul. 2010 -

"New origins of lasing  in ZnO by temperature dependent modal gain contour map" was given by Bumjin Kim as an oral presentation at ICPS-2010 held in Seoul.

Jun. 2010 -

Jihoon Kim measured the fine exciton state by tunable PS laser, which are in excellent agreement with theoretical calculation.

Jun. 2010 -

The first version of MOGA was completed by Bumjin Kim .

Apr. 2010 -

Jihoon Kim measured the fine exciton energy levels by high spectral resolution PLE, and Inhong Kim successfully takes over CdSe NQDs synthesis skill by Sangmin Kim.

Mar. 2010 -

Sangmin Kim estimated the energy difference between bright and dark exciton in CdSe quantum dots by temperature dependent PL analysis.

Feb. 2010 -

Soyoung Park began to read M. Edu and Jaehong Ahn joins as a probationary research student.

Jan. 2010 -

Jihoon Kim succeeded in stablizing dense NQD solution on a sapphire substrate by ultrasonic surface treatment with piranha solution and PMMA for hydrophobicity after centrifugation.   

Jan. 2010 -

Doman Kim was awarded M. Phil. Degree "Temperature and stripe length dependence of modal gain contour map in ZnO", and employed in LG display.  







Dec. 2009 -

Two new laboratories were constructed for 70fs and CEP 7fs oscillator.

Dec. 2009 -

Woo Jin Lee joined as a probationary student.

Dec. 2009 -

Doman Kim and Bumjin Kim proposed the new origins of temperature dependent lasing in ZnO such as P-LO, X-el, A0X-2LO, and e-h plasma-phonon mixed quanta.   

Sep. 2009 -

Inhong Kim began to read D. Phil. Degree.         

Sep. 2009 -

Jongwan Kim and Seokun Yoo began to read M. Edu. Degree.

Aug. 2009 -

Jihoon Kim with Prof. K. C Je calculated nonlinear complex refractive index in inhomogeneous (~7%) CdSe nanocrystals.

Aug. 2009 -

“Ultrafast all-optic modulator based on bright and dark exciton spin in nanocrystal quantum dots" was given as an oral presentation at EDISON-16 (Montpellier/France) (* Old name: HCIS).

Jul. 2009 -

Jihoon Kim measured the transient ellipticity angle (~11 degree) of spin dichroism in CdSe nanocrystal by time-integrated ellipsometry technique with 6 Stokes parameters.  

Jul. 2009 -

Inhong Kim measured IRF and calculates a convolution based on the rate equation in comparison with TCSPC data.

Jun. 2009 -

Bumjin Kim confirmed the P-band gain disappears in ZnO beyond 200 K as Klingshirn had argued by temperature dependence of modal gain contour map.  

Jun. 2009 -

Inhong Kim is awarded M. Phil. Degree. "Time-resolved spectroscopy of Förster resonant energy transfer in conjugated polymer/dye-labeled DNA complex."    

Feb. 2009 -

Sangmin Kim & Inhong Kim measured modulated-optical density spectra

Feb. 2009 -

Bumjin Kim succeeded in 3D graph & contour map for stripe-length dependence of modal gain spectra  

Feb. 2009 -

Heedea Kim joined as a probationary student.

Feb. 2009 -

Inhong Kim estimated the distance between DNA and polymer by FRET.







Oct. 2008 -

Ms. Jungmin Lee joined as an office manager

Oct. 2008 -

Bumjin Kim & Jihoon Kim measured the first real-time FROG traces.

Aug. 2008 -

Bumjin Kim succeeded in Kerr mode-locking of fs-oscillator.

May 2008 -

Ms. Mi-sun Ha joined as an office manager.

May 2008 -

Dr. Sharma joined from India as a Post Doc.

Apr. 2008 -

Jihoon Kim succeeded in sub-ps all-optical switching in nanocrystal quantum dots at room temperature.

Mar. 2008 -

Fourth M. Phil. graduate Doman Kim joined.

Mar. 2008 -

Bumjin Kim begined to read D.Phil. Degree.

Feb. 2008 -

Bumjin Kim is awarded M. Phil. Degree. "Excitonic optical modal gain and stimulated emission in highly excited ZnO"







Dec. 2007 -

Jihoon Kim demonstrates ultrafast (1~2 ps) Kerr-Gating 

Sep. 2007 -

Third M. Phil. graduate Inhong Kim joined.

Aug. 2007 -

Bumjin Kim measured the first ASE data with PS-Nd:YAG system in ZnO.

May 2007 -

Jihoon Kim’s JAP work is selected in virtual J. of ultrafast science and also in virtual J. of Nanoscience.

Mar. 2007 -

Jihoon Kim began to read D. Phil. Degree.

Feb. 2007 -

Jihoon Kim is awarded M. Phil. Degree. " Optical gain and resonant exciton dynamics in CdSe nanocrystals" 







Mar. 2006 -

Bumjin Kim joined as a second M. Phil. graduate.







Dec. 2005 -

Jihoon Kim measured the first pump-probe data in CdSe NQD.

Sep. 2005 -

Auto-correlation & degenerate pump-probe with FS Reg. A+OPA system alignment is completed.

Mar. 2005 -

First M. Phil. graduate Jihoon Kim joined.







Aug. 2004 -

Argon-ion laser is installed.

May 2004 -

Bumjin Kim joined as a probationary student.







Nov. 2003 -

New laboratory “Ultrafast quantum optoelectronics” was opened.





"Your beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will your future be” Job 8:7

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