> Conference

◎ International Conference


1.Jungwon Kim, Sanghyuk Park, Minwoo Kim, Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Refractive Index of CsPbBr3 nanocrystal with effective medium approximations", 8th International Workshop on the Optical Properties of Nanostructures (OPON 2025), Münster/ Germany,12~14 Feb. 2025 (poster)


1. Kwangseuk Kyhm, "SS: Quantum & Bio Nanophotonics", the 21st International Symposium on the Physics of Semiconductors and Applications(ISPSA 2024) Jeju/Korea 2~6,June 2024  (Session chair/Committee)

2. Minju Kim, Inhong Kim, Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Polarization and Time-resolved Spectroscopy of Localized States in GaAs Quantum Ring", the 21st International Symposium on the Physics of Semiconductors and Applications(ISPSA 2024) Jeju/Korea 2~6,June 2024(*invited/Oral)

3.  Jungwon Kim, Minwoo Kim, Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Meaure Refractive Index of Perovskite Using Interferometer", the 21st International Symposium on the Physics of Semiconductors and Applications(ISPSA 2024) Jeju/Korea 2~6,June 2024(*Poster)

4. Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Quantum coherence in a quantum ring", The 11th International Workshop on Advanced Materials Science and Nanotechnology(IWAMSN2024)  Da Nang/Vietnam 22~25, Sep.2024(*invited/Oral)

5. Minju Kim  and Kwangseuk Kyhm, " Polarization and time-resolved spectroscopy of localized states in GaAs quantum ring", The 11th IInternational Workshop on Advanced Materials Science and Nanotechnology(IWAMSN2024) (IWAMSN2024) Da Nang/Vietnam 22~25, Sep.2024(Oral)

6.Seunghwan Goldmund Lee, VENNAT Elsa, Kwangseuk Kyhm, GOURRIER Aurélien, "Enhanced Three-Dimensional Visualisation of Human Dentin Porosity Using Confocal and Two-Photon Fluorescence Microscopy" The 10th Advanced Biophotonics Conferences(ABC 2024), Kyungju/Korea 31 Oct.-2 Nov. 2024 (Poster).

7.Jinu Kim, Hongsung An, Tae Joong Eom, Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Improving Diagnosis Accuracy of Gout and Pseudo-Gout Using Laser Scanning Microscope" The 10th Advanced Biophotonics Conferences(ABC 2024), Kyungju/Korea 31 Oct.-2 Nov. 2024 (Poster).

8.Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Ultrafast Spectroscopy and Microscopy on Nanostructures" International Symposium on Practical Surface Analysis (PSA-24), Busan/Korea 17-22 Nov. 2024 (Invited/oral).


1. Minju Kim, Inhong Kim, Minwoo Kim, and Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Exiton-Exciton Annihilation in Anisotropic GaAs Quantum Rings", Compound Semiconductor Week 2023 (CSW 2023) 29 May. ~2 June. 2023 (Poster)

2. Minju Kim, Seongho Park, Inhong Kim, and Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Polarization States of Localized States in a Volcano-like Single GaAs Quantium Ring", 22nd International Conference on Electron Dynamics in Semiconductors, Optoelectronics and Nanostructures (EDISON 22) 14 ~18 Aug. 2023 (Poster)


1. Inhong Kim, Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Fluorescent surface imaging with high localization accuracy based on optical nanotopography", The 20th International Symposium on the Physics of Semiconductors and Applications (ISPSA 2022) 17 Jul. ~21 Jul. 2022 (Poster)

2. Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Educational Research Center for the Personalized Healthcare based on Cogno-Mechatronics", K-BIOX Global Class Seminar 4_8th, 27 Jul. 2022 (*invited/Oral)


1. Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Educational Research Center for the Personalized Healthcare based on Cogno-Mechatronics", SPIE ABC 2021 PKNU/PNU/UNIST BK21 Plus Joint Symposium, 4 Nov. 2021 (*invited/Oral)


1. Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Optical shaping of polarization anisotropy in a laterally coupled quantum dot dimer", European Physical Society-Condensed Matter Division CMD2020GEFES 31 Aug. ~4 Sept. 2020 (*invited/Oral)


1. Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Quantum coherence in a single quantum ring", 2019 Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Taiwan 23~25 January (*invited/Oral)

2. Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Optical Aharonov-Bohm oscillations in a single quantum ring: Disorder effects ans biexciton Wigner molecule", 2019 The Physical Society of Japan 15~17 March (*invited/Oral)


1. Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Optical Aharonov-Bohm oscillations with disorder effects and Wigner molecule in a single quantum ring", the Joint Meeting of DPG(Deutsche physikalische Gesellschaft)and EPS(European Physical Society) Condensed Matter Divisions at the TU Berlin/Germany 13 Mar 2018 (*invited/Oral)

2. Minwoo Kim, Woojin Lee, Hanyi Yang, Akihiro Murayama, Kuntheak Kheng, Henri Mariette, Le Si Dajg, and Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Ultrafast Dynamics of Center-of-mass Exciton Confinement States in a Single CdTe/CdMnTe Heterostructure", International Symposium on the Physics of Semiconductors and Applications(ISPSA)/Jeju 01~05 July 2018 (Poster)

3. Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Light-controlled optical Aharonov-Bohm oscillations in a single quantum ring", the Joint Meeting of Korean-German-French Nanophotonics Workshop at Magoksa Temple, Gongju/Korea 07 Oct 2018 (*invited/Oral)

4. Juyeong Jang, Jindong Song, Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Equilibrium between lattice temperature and carrier temperature of size distributed InAlAs quantum dot ensembles", Nanopia 2018, Changwon/Korea 07-09 Nov 2018 (Oral/Poster)


1. Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Exciton dipole-dipole interaction in a single coupled-quantum-dot structure via polarized excitation", China-Korea Workshop-2017 at Beijing/China 07~09 April 2017 (*invited/Oral)

2. Heedae Kim, Akihiro Murayama, Kwangseuk Kyhm, Robert A.Taylor, Jong Su Kim, "Optically coupled excitons in a Single Coupled-Quantum-Dot Structure via Dipole-Diple interaction", Edison 20 at New York/USA 17~21 July 2017 (Poster)

3. Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Exciton dipole-dipole interaction in a single coupled-quantum-dot structure", German-French-Korea Workshop-2017 at Le Lazaret/France 15~18 Oct 2017 (*invited/Oral)

4. W.Lee, M.Kim, H. Yang, K. Kyhm, A. Murayama, R. A. Taylor, K. Kheng, H. Mariette, and L. S. Dang, "Temperature dependence of time-resolved photoluminescence of center-of-mass exciton confinement states in a single CdTe/CdMnTe quantum well", German--French-Korea Workshop-2017 at Le Lazaret/France 15~18 Oct 2017 (Poster)

5. W.Lee, M.Kim, H. Yang, K. Kyhm, A. Murayama, K. Kheng, H. Mariette, and L. S. Dang, "Radiative Decay Time of Center-of-Mass Exciton Confinement States in a Single CdTe/CdMnTe Quantum Well", The 30th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference at Jeju/Korea  6~9 Nov 2017 (Oral)

6. Woojin Lee, Akihiro Murayama, Jong-soo Lee, Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Time-resolved photoluminescence in ZnSe/Cds(core/shell) type-II quantum dots for magnetic field and circular polarization",The 30th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference at Jeju/Korea  6~9 Nov 2017 (Poster)


1. Kwangseuk Kyhm, Heedae Kim, Okuyama Rin, Mikio Eto, Robert Taylor, Gilles Nogues, Le Si Dang, Aurelien Nicholet, Marek Potemski, Koochul Je, Jongsoo Kim, Jihoon Kyhm, Jindong Song " Observation of a biexciton Wigner molecule by fractional optical Aharonov-Bohm oscillations in a single quantum ring", QD-2016 at Jeju/Korea 22~27 May 2016 (*Oral/Session chair/Committee)

2. Kwangseuk Kyhm, Heedae Kim , Jongsoo Kim, Koochul Je, "Excitation polarization dependence of exciton dipole-dipole interaction in a coupledquantum-dot molecule", QD-2016 at Jeju/Korea 22~27 May 2016 (Poster)

3. Kwangseuk Kyhm, Koochul Je, "Quantum beats of a quantum ring as an evidence of ring orbit states", QD-2016 at Jeju/Korea 22~27 May 2016 (Poster)

4. Woojin Lee, Kwangseuk Kyhm, Heedae Kim, Robert Taylor, Gilles Nogues, Le Si Dang, Jindong Song, "Quasi-two-dimensional density of states in a single quantum ring by temperature dependence of radiative decay time", QD-2016 at Jeju/Korea 22~27 May 2016 (Poster)

5. Seongho Park, Woojin Lee, Inhong Kim, Takayuki Kiba, Akihiro Murayama, Jindong Song, Jihoon Kyhm, Robert Taylor, Marek Potemski, Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Dot- and ring-like localized states of a single droplet quantum dot by external thermal heating", QD-2016 at Jeju/Korea 22~27 May 2016 (Poster)

6. Cremel Thibault, Lee Woojin, Jeannin Mathieu, Bellet-Amalric Edith, Nogues Gilles, Kyhm Kwangseuk, Kheng Kuntheak, "Temperature dependent optical properties of single Core-shell CdSe/ZnSe nanowire quantum dots grown along (111)b", QD-2016 at Jeju/Korea 22~27 May 2016 (Poster)

7. Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Optical Aharonov-Bohm oscillations in a single quantum ring", DeWork at Jeju/Korea 27 May 2016 (*invited/Committee)

8. Minju Kim, Juyeong Jang, Seongho Park, Minwoo Kim, Woojin Lee, Akihiro Murayama, Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Ultrafast dynamics of center-of-mass excitons confined in a quasi-2 dimensional structure by time-resolved ellipsometry and magneto Kerr rotation", ISPSA 2016 at Jeju/Korea 3~7 July Korea (Oral)

9. Heedae Kim, Kwangseuk Kyhm, Jongsu Kim, "Excitation polarization dependence of exciton dipole-dipole interaction in a coupled quantum dot molecule",  ISPSA 2016 at Jeju/Korea 3~7 July Korea (Oral)

10. Seongho Park, Woojin Lee, Inhong Kim, Takayuki Kiba, Akihiro Murayama, Jindong Song, Jihoon Kyhm, Robert Talyor, Marek Potemski,  Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Local states and optical Aharonov Bohm oscillations of a heat-treated single droplet quantum dot",  ICPS 2016 at Beijing/China 31 July~8 August (Oral)

11. Woojin Lee, Heedae Kim, Seongho Park, Kwangseuk Kyhm, Robert A. Talyor, Koo-Chul Je, Gilles Nogues, Le Si Dang, Jindong Song, "Quasi one-dimensional density of sates in a single quantum ring by temperature dependence of radiative decay time"  ICPS 2016 at Beijing/China 31 July~8 August (Poster)


1. S. Park, W. Lee, I. Kim, T. Kiba, A. Murayama, R. Taylor, M. Potemski, J. Kyhm, J. Song, K, Kyhm. "Polarization dependence and optical Aharonov-bohm oscillations in a single local QR in a large droplet QD" CLEO-PR 2015 at Pusan/Korea, 24-28 August (Poster)

2. S. Park, W. Lee, I. Kim, T. Kiba, A. Murayama, R. Taylor, M. Potemski, J. Kyhm, J. Song, K, Kyhm. "Localised state and optical Aharonov-Bohm oscillations of a quantum ring on top of droplet quantum dot" 2015 Korean - Japanese Student Workshop at Pusan/Korea 30 Nov ~ 1 Dec (Oral)

3. K.Kyhm.

"Wigner molecule and disorder effect in otical Aharonov-Bhom oscillations of a single quantum ring" 5th French-Korean-German Workshop on Nanomaterials at münsterschwarzach/Germany 14 ~16 December (*invited, Oral)


1. K. Kyhm et al. "Modulation of Optical Aharonov-Bohm Effect in an Anisotropic Single Quantum Ring", QD-2014 at PISA/Italy 11-16 May 2014 (Oral)


2. K. Kyhm et al. "Excitonic Aharanov-Bohm Effect in a Single Quantum Ring". IEEE INEC 2014, at Sapporo/Japan, 28-31 July 2014 (* Invited, Oral)


3. B. Kim, K. Kyhm, C. R. Cho, N. Tamura, T. Yamazaki and A. Murayama, "New origins of lasing in ZnO: temperature dependence of modal gain contour map", IEEE INEC 2014, at Sapporo/Japan, 28-31 July 2014 (Oral)

4. K. Kyhm et al. "Modulation of optical Aharonov-Bohm oscillations in a single quantum ring", 4th Korean- German-French workshops on Nanophotonics at KIST Gangneung Branch/Korea 12-16 October 2014 (* Invited, Oral)

5. J. Jang, S. Park, W. Lee, M. Kim, T. Kiba, A. Murayama, J. D. Song and K. Kyhm, "Optical gain of CdSe/ZnS nanocrystal qunatum dots", NANOPIA 2014 at Changwon/Korea 13-14 November 2014 (Poster)

6. M. Kim, S. Park, W. Lee, J. Jang, K. Kyhm, "Incident angle-dependent reflectivity in Au and PMMA and constant pseudo Brewster angle contour", NANOPIA 2014 at Changwon/Korea 13-14 November 2014 (Poster)

7. S. Park, W. Lee, J. Jang, M. Kim, T. Kiba, A. Murayama, J. D. Song and K. Kyhm, "Polarization dependence of exciton and biexciton in a large single GaAs quantum dot grown by droplet epitaxy", NANOPIA 2014 at Changwon/Korea 13-14 November 2014 (Poster)

8. Woojin Lee, Seongho Park, Juyoung Jang, Minju Kim, Takayuki Kiba, Akihiro Murayama, Soojin Kim, Jong-soo Lee, Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Circular Polarized Excitonic Aharanov-Bohm effect in ZnSe/CdS (core/shell) type Ⅱ quantum dots", NANOPIA 2014 at Changwon/Korea 13-14 November 2014 (Poster)

9. K. Kyhm, H. D. Kim, A. Nicolet, G. Nogues, M. Potemski, R. A. Taylor, W. J. Lee, K. C. Je, R. Okuyama, M. Eto, J. S. Kim, J. H. Kyhm, E. H. Lee and J. D. Song, "Modulation of Exciton Aharonov-Bohm Effect in a Single Quantum Ring by lateral electric field, localisation, and temperature", ISPSA 2014 at Jeju/Korea 7-11 December 2014 (Oral)

10. Woojin Lee, Takayuki Kiba, Akihiro Murayama, Corinne Sartel, Vincent Sartel, Inhong Kim, Robert A. Taylor, Young-Dahl Jho and Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Temperature dependence of radiative recombination time in ZnO nanorods under an external magnetic field of 6 T", ISPSA 2014 at Jeju/Korea 7-11 December 2014 (Poster)


1. K. Kyhm, A. Nicholet, G. Nogues, M. Potemski, H. D. Kim, R. A. Taylor, K. C. Je, E. H. Lee, J. D. Song "Optical Aharonov-Bohm Effect in Volcano-like Single Quantum Ring", EDISON-18 at Matsue/Japan 22-26 July 2013 (Oral)

2. K. Kyhm, I. H. Kim, M. J. Kang, and H. Y. Woo, "Ultrfast Dynamics of FRET and Quenching in Cationic Polyfluorene/Dye-labeled DNA Complex and Intermolecular Distance Estimation", KJF International Conference on Organic Materials for Electronics and Photonics at Busan/Korea 28-31 August 2013 (Oral)


1. Inhong Kim, Mijeong Kang, Han Young Woo, Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Ultrafast energy transfer of FRET and charge transfer in cationic conjugated polymer/dye-labeled DNA complex”, Hybrid Materials 2011 at Strasbourg/France 6-10 March 2011.

2. K. Kyhm, J. H. Kim, K. C. Je, J. B. Lee, and S. H. Park,  "Surface Plasmon-Assisted Enhanced Ultrafast All-optical switch of spin dichroism in CdSe-Au hybrid Quantum dots", SPPS-2011 at Busan/Korea 2011

3. Kwangseuk Kyhm, Jihoon Kim, Kuchool Je, "Enhancement Ultrafast Phase Modulator Assisted by Local Surface Plasmon in CdSe-Au Hybrid Quantum Dots", ISPSA 2011 at Jeju/Korea 5-8 July 2011

4. Jihoon Kim, Koochul Je, Takayuki Kiba, Akihiro Murayama, Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Ultrafast phase dynamics of ellipsometry based on spin dichroism in nanocrystal quantum dots", ISPSA 2011 at Jeju/Korea 5-8 July 2011

5. Bumjin Kim, Chaeryoung Cho, Kwangseuk Kyhm, "New lasing origins in ZnO by temperature dependence of modal gain contour map: LO-phonon coupled inelastic exciton-exciton and exciton-electron scatterings and Phonon-coupled electron electron-hole plasma", ISPSA 2011 at Jeju/Korea 5-8 July 2011.

6.  Inhong Kim, Mijeong Kang, Han Young Woo, Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Ultrafast energy transfer dynamics of Forster resonance and photo-induced charge transfer in conjugated polymers/dye labeled DNA complex", ISPSA 2011 at Jeju/Korea 5-8 July 2011.

7. K. C. Je, J. H. Kim, and K. Kyhm, "Surface Plasmon-Assisted Optical Properties in CdSe-Au Hybrid Quantum Dots", OECS-12 at Paris/France 11-16 September 2011.


1. K. Kyhm, J. H. Kim, R. Sharma, and K. C. Je "Tera bit rate ll-optical phase modulation and dynamics of spn-based dishroism in nanocrystal quantum dots”, QD2-2010 at Nottingham/U.K 26-30 April 2010.

2. Bumjin Kim, Doman Kim, Kwangseuk Kyhm, Chaeryon Cho, "New origins of lasing in ZnO by temperature dependence of modal gain contour map”, ICPS at Seoul/Korea 25-30 July 2010.

3. Jihoon Kyhm, Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Ultrafast phase dynamics of ellipsometry based on spin dichroism in nanocrystal quantum dots”, ICPS at Seoul/Korea 25-30 July 2010.

4. Inhong Kim, Mijeong Kang, Han Young Woo, Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Time-resolved FRET and PCT in cationic conjugated polymer/dye-labelled DNA complex”, ICPS at Seoul/Korea 25-30 July 2010.

5. J. H. Kyhm, K. Kyhm, R. Sharma, and K. C. Je "Ultrafast optical nonlinearities and all-optical switching application in nanocrystal quantum dots", 6th SIC-RCDAMP-KIT JOINT WORKSHOP at KYOTO/Japan 21-22 Oct. 2010.


1. K. Kyhm, J. H. Kim, R. Sharma, and K. C. Je "Ultrafast all-optic modulator based on bright and dark exciton spin in nanocrystal quantum dots" EDISON-16 at Montpellier/France 22-28 Aug. 2009     

2. K. Kyhm, J. H. Kim, R. Sharma, K. C. Je, J. B. Lee, R. Taylor, Tera-bit rate all-optic phase modulator and dynamics of spin-based dichroism in nanocrystal quantum dots, “APNFO-7 at Jeju/Korea 25-27 November 2009.

3. K. Kyhm, J. H. Kim, K.C. Je,R. Sharma, R. Taylor "Bright and dark excitonspin-based sub-psall-optic phase modulator in nanocrystalquantum dots"ICAMD 2009 at Jeju/Korea 9-11 December 2009

4. J. H. Kim, K. Kyhm, and K. C. Je "Time-resolved/integratedellipsometry on ultrafast phase retardation of spin dichroism in nanocrystals" ICAMD 2009 at Jeju/Korea 9-11 December 2009

5. Bumjin Kim, Doman Kim, K. Kyhm, C.R. Cho "Origins of stimulated emission by temperature dependent modal gain contour map and polarization asymmetry in ZnO" ICAMD 2009 at Jeju/Korea 9-11 December 2009

6. Inhong Kim, Mijeong Kang, Han Young Woo, and Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Time-resolved Fluorescence of Förster Resonance Energy Transfer in Conjugated Polymers/dye Labeled DNA Complex" ICAMD 2009 at Jeju/Korea 9-11 December 2009


1. J. H. Kim, K. Kyhm "Ultrafast optical switch of spin polarization in CdSe/ZnS nanocrystals" QD 2008 Gyeongju, Korea(Gyeongju), 11-16 MAY 2008

2. J. H. Kim, K. Kyhm "Ultrafast all optical switching in nanocrystal quantum dots" EXCON'08 Kyoto University, JAPAN(Kyoto), 22-27 June 2008

3. J. H. Kim, K. Kyhm "Sub-picosecond all-optical switching of exciton spin polarization in nanocrystal quantum dots toward terabit communication"  The 14th ISPSA 2008, Korea(Jeju), 26-29 August 2008            


1. S. H. Na and K. Kyhm, “Ultrafast optical nonlinearities and exciton-polariton dynamics in GaN”, The 15th International Conference on Nonequilibrium Carrier Dynamics in Semiconductors (HCIS15), Japan (Tokyo), 23-27 July 2007

2. J. S. Kim, K. Kyhm, B. J. Kim, J. H. Kim, and K. S. Lee, “Energy Relaxation of High Density Hot Carriers in GaN”, The 15th International Conference on Nonequilibrium Carrier Dynamics in Semiconductors (HCIS15), Japan(Tokyo), 23-27 July 2007

3. J.H. Kim, K. Kyhm, S. M. Kim, Ho-soon Yang, Yasuaki Masumoto, “Dynamics of optical nonlinearities in CdSe/ZnS nanocrystals”, The 7th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics(CLEO/Pacific Rim 2007), Korea(Seoul), 26-31 August 2007

4. B. J. Kim, K. Kyhm, C. R. Cho, “Stripe-Length Depenence of Optical Gain and Optical Mode Observation in ZnO Thin Film”, The 13th International Conference on II-VI Compounds, Korea (Cheju), 10-14 September 2007

5. B. Kim, K. K. Kyhm, C. R. Cho, “Optical Modal Gain Saturation and Stripe-Length Dependence in ZnO Thin Film”, 9th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology (PacRim2007), China (Shanghai), 11-14 Nov. 2007     


1. K. Kyhm, Ho-Soon Yang, J. H. Kim, B. J. Kim, J. G. Khang, S. M. Kim “Gain dynamics and excitonic transition in CdSe colloidal quantum dots”, 4th International Symposium on Laser, Scintillator and Nonlinear optical Materials, Czech (Prague), 26-30 June 2006

2. K. Kyhm, Ho-Soon Yang, J. H. Kim, B. J. Kim, J. G. Khang, S. M. Kim, “Lasing Dynamics and Excitonic Transition in CdSe Collodial Quantum Dots”, 28th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, Austrea (Wien), 24-28 July 2006

3. J. H. Kim, S. M. Kim, K. Kyhm, and Ho-Soon Yang, “Optical gain and Resonant Exciton Dynamics in CdSe Nanocrystals”, The 13th Intenational Symposium on the Physics of Semiconductors and Applications, Korea (Cheju), 22-25 August 2006

4. J. H. Kim, B. J. Kim, S. M. Kim, J. K. Khang, Ho-Soon Yang, K. Kyhm, “Time-resolved spectroscopy in CdSeQuantum Dots”, China-Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Advanced Inorganic Materials, China (Shanghai) 31 Oct -4 Nov. 2006

5. K. Kyhm, “Time-resolved spectroscopy in Quantum Dots”, 6th International Symposium on Quantum-Functional Semiconductor, Korea (Cheju), 8-9 December 2006


◎ Korean Conference


1. Agna Antony, Minwoo Kim, Inhong Kim, Minju Kim, Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Gain saturation of encapsulated CdTe-Ag quantum dot composite in SiO2"2025 Winter conference of Optical Society of Korea (OSK) Busan/Korea 11~14,Feb 2025  (Oral)

2. Minwoo Kim,Jungwon Kim, Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Refractive index measurement of CsPbBr3 nanocrystals using Michelson Interferometry"2025 Winter conference of Optical Society of Korea (OSK) Busan/Korea 11~14,Feb 2025  (Oral)


1.Minju Kim, Jinu Kim, Seunghwan Lee, and Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Damage reduced measurement technique for Canine of Oliver Flounder Fish using Nonlinear Optical Microscope", 한국현미경학회 춘계학술대회ty of Korea, 30. May ~31. May 2024 (Poster)



1. Kwangseuk Kyhm, "빛으로 물성 연구하기", 제 18차 유전체 연합 심포지엄, 29 Jan. ~31 Jan. 2023 (*Invited/Oral)

2. Minju Kim, Kwangseuk Kyhm, Junghwan Oh, "Polarization states of localized states in a volcano-like single GaAs quantum ring", Winter Conference of Optical Society of Korea, 14. Feb ~17. Feb 2023 (Oral)

3. Ming Mei, Minju Kim, Minwoo Kim, Inhong Kim, Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Optical Gain of Vertically Coupled Cd0.6Zn0.4Te/ZnTe Quantum Dots", Winter Conference of Optical Society of Korea, 14. Feb ~17. Feb 2023 (Poster)

4. Jungwon Kim, Minwoo Kim, Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Refractive index of CsPbBr3 using interferometer", Winter Conference of Optical Society of Korea, 14. Feb ~17. Feb 2023 (Poster)

5. Jinu Kim, Seunghwan Goldmund Lee, Minju Kim, Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Nonlinear Optical Microscope for Canine of Oliver Flounder Fish", Winter Conference of Optical Society of Korea, 14. Feb ~17. Feb 2023 (Poster)

6. Kwangseuk Kyhm, Minju Kim, Inhong Kim, "Auger annihilation in anisotropic GaAs quantum rings", 2023 KPS Spring Meeting, 19. Apr ~21. Apr 2023 (Oral)

7. Kwangseuk Kyhm, Jungwon Kim, "Measure refractive index of CsPbBr3 using interferometer", 2023 KPS Spring Meeting, 19. Apr ~21. Apr 2023 (Poster)

8. Kwangseuk Kyhm, Ming Mei, "Optical gain of Mn2+-doped mixed halide perovskite", 2023 KPS Spring Meeting, 19. Apr ~21. Apr 2023 (Poster)


1. Kwangseuk Kyhm, "물방울성장 양자점/결합양자점/양자링 구조의 자기광학적 특성" 한국물리학회 반도체 물리학 분과 첫금 반도체물리 포럼 (online seminar), 7 Jan. 2022 (*Invited/Oral)

2. Seunghwan Lee, Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Autofluorescence loss in photobleaching for human dentin", The Korean physical society Semiconductor Winter Workshop (virtual conference), 9 Feb. ~11 Feb. 2022 (Poster)

3. Inhong Kim, Ming Mei, Kwangseuk Kyhm, "3D imaging of fluorescent surface by optical nanotopography based on axial position modulation", The Korean Physical society Semiconductor Winter Workshop (virtual conference), 9 Feb. ~11 Feb. 2022 (Poster)

4. Inhong Kim, Ming Mei, Kwangseuk Kyhm, "3D imaging technique based on the modulation tracking method", The Korean physical society 72회 부산-울산-경남 지부학회 (경주), 24 Jun. ~25 Jun. 2022 (Oral)

5. Minwoo Kim, Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Ultrafast pulse modulation of free-standing graphene oxide thin film via nonlinear optics", The Korean physical society 72회 부산-울산-경남 지부학회 (경주), 24 Jun. ~25 Jun. 2022 (Poster)

6. Minju Kim, Kwangseuk Kyhm, Eric Lacot, "Photo acoustic measurement based on laser optical feedback imaging with mult shift frequencies", The Korean physical society 72회 부산-울산-경남 지부학회 (경주), 24 Jun. ~25 Jun. 2022 (Poster)

7. Jungwon Kim, Minwoo Kim, Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Group refractive index of gold nanoparticles by femtosecond laser pulses", The Korean physical society 72회 부산-울산-경남 지부학회 (경주), 24 Jun. ~25 Jun. 2022 (Poster)

8. Jinu Kim, Seunghwan Lee, Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Analyzing of oliver flounder using photo-bleaching and second harmonic generation", The Korean physical society 72회 부산-울산-경남 지부학회 (경주), 24 Jun. ~25 Jun. 2022 (Poster)

9. Hee Jun Nam, Kwangseuk Kyhm, "UiO-66 MOF synthesis and optical analysis by using Terahertz spectroscopy", The Korean physical society 72회 부산-울산-경남 지부학회 (경주), 24 Jun. ~25 Jun. 2022 (Poster)

10. Seunghwan Lee, Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Two-photon induced autofluorescence loss in photobeleaching for human dentin", The Korean physical society 72회 부산-울산-경남 지부학회 (경주), 24 Jun. ~25 Jun. 2022 (Poster)

11. Inhong Kim, Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Virus-based Optical Application for Gain Medium and TNT Sensing", KPS 70th Anniversary and 2022 Fall Meeting, 18 Oct. ~21 Oct. 2022 (Oral)

12. Minju Kim, Kwangseuk Kyhm, Junghwan Oh, "All Optical Photo Acoustic Imaging based on Laser Optical Feedback Imaging", KPS 70th Anniversary and 2022 Fall Meeting, 18 Oct. ~21 Oct. 2022 (Oral)

13. Ming Mei, Inhong Kim, Minwoo Kim, Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Optical gain enhancement by waveguiding effect in all-inorganic perovskite nanosheets",  KPS 70th Anniversary and 2022 Fall Meeting, 18 Oct. ~21 Oct. 2022 (Poster)

14. Kwangseuk Kyhm, Sungkyun Park, "Development of optically-enhanced photo-acoustic measurements and applications", Fall Conference of the Korean Institute of Metals and Materials, 26 Oct. ~28 Oct. 2022 (*Invited/Oral)



1. Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Magneto-optical spectroscopy on the confined exciton in nanostructures" The korean physical society spring meeting (virtual conference), 21 Apr.~23 Apr. 2021 (*Invited/Oral)

2. Minju kim, Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Auger process of the electron-hole pair in anisotropic quantum ring" The korean physical society spring meeting (virtual conference), 21 Apr.~23 Apr. 2021 (Oral)

3. Minwoo kim, Kwangseuk Kyhm, "All-optical photoacoustic measurement on Rhodamine-6G" The korean physical society spring meeting (virtual conference), 21 Apr.~23 Apr. 2021 (Oral)

4. Seunghwan Lee, Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Optical imaging of dentinal tubules with two-photon microscopy" The korean physical society spring meeting (virtual conference), 21 Apr.~23 Apr. 2021 (Oral)

5. Hanyi Yang, Kwangseuk Kyhm, "나노 양자링 구조의 미세 에너지 구조의 자기의존성 및 비선형성 연구" The korean physical society spring meeting (virtual conference), 21 Apr.~23 Apr. 2021 (Oral)

6. Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Novel optical properties of quantum crescents" The korean physical society fall meeting (virtual conference), 20 Oct.~22 Oct. 2021 (*Invited/Oral)

7. Seunghwan Lee, Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Photobleaching of autofluorescence from human dentin ex vivo" The korean physical society fall meeting (virtual conference), 20 Oct.~22 Oct. 2021 (Oral)


1. Minju kim, Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Coherent polarizaion of micro-photoluminescence in an anisotropic single quantum ring" The korean physical society fall meeting, 04 Nov.~06 Nov. 2020 (Oral)


1. Sungho Park(Oral), Kwangseuk Kyhm, Juyeong Jang  "Optical sectioning in optical resolution photoacoustic microscopy",  봄 한국물리학회 (대전) 2019년 4월 24일 ~ 26일 

2. Inhong Kim(Oral), Jieun Jung, Woojin Lee, Sungho Park, Hanyoung Woo,  Kwangseuk Kyhm "Ultrafast energy transfer dynamics in conjugated polymer and dyes-labeled aptamer complex", 봄 한국물리학회 (대전) 2019년 4월 24일 ~ 26일 

3. Minju Kim(Oral), Minwoo Kim "Stimulated Emission Depleted Photoacoustic" 가을 한국물리학회 (광주) 2019년 10월 24 ~ 25일

4. Minwoo Kim(Oral), Minju Kim "Femtosecond pulse shortening by saturable in free-standing" 가을 한국물리학회 (광주) 2019년 10월 24 ~ 25일


1. Kwangseuk Kyhm(Session chair),Hany Yang(Oral) "Shape ellipticity dependence of excitonne levels and optical nonlinearities in CdSe and CdTe nanocrystal quantum dots",  봄 한국물리학회 (대전) 2018년 4월 25일 ~ 27일 

2. Kwangseuk Kyhm "단일 양자링 반도체에서 입자들의 동역학과 비선형 특성",  한국진공학회 반도체 및 박막 분과 2018년 하계 Workshop (제주도) 2018년 6월 14일 ~ 16일 

3. Juyeong Jang, Jindong Song, Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Equilibrium between lattice temperature and carrier temperature of size distributed InAlAs quantum dot ensembles",  가을 한국물리학회 (창원) 2018년 10월 24일 ~ 26일 (Oral)


1. Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Optical Aharonov-Bohm Effect in a Single Quantum Ring", 가을 한국물리학회 (경주) 2017년 10월 25일 ~ 27일 (Oral, Session chair)

2. Woojin Lee, Akihiro Murayama, Jong-soo Lee, Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Magnetic filed and polarization independence of time-resolved photoliminescence in ZnSe/Cds(core/shell) type-II quantum dots", 가을 한국물리학회 (경주) 2017년 10월 25일 ~ 27일 (Oral)

3. Minwoo Kim, Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Measurement of refractive index of gold nanostructures by ultrafast spectral-phase analysis", 가을 한국물리학회 (경주) 2017년 10월 25일 ~ 27일 (Poster)


1. Sungho Park(Oral), Woojin Lee, Inhong Kim, Kiba Takayuki, Murayama Akihiro, Jindong Song, Jihoon Kyhm, Taylor Robert, Potemski Marek and Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Localized states of a heat-treated droplet quantum dot: Time-resolved & micro-magneto PL and Optical Aharonov Bohm oscillations", Final Program of the Optical Society of Korea Winter Annual Meeting 2016 held in Daejeon from 20 to 22 January

2. Minju Kim(Oral) and Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Time-resolved Ellipsometry of Center-of-mass Exciton Confined Quasi Two Diensional Structure", Final Program of the Optical Society of Korea Winter Annual Meeting 2016 held in Daejeon from 20 to 22 January

3. Juyeong Jang(Poster), Woojin Lee and Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Optical gain and carrier dynamics of pyramid hybird structure InGaN/GaN", Final Program of the Optical Society of Korea Winter Annual Meeting 2016 held in Daejeon from 20 to 22 January

4. Minwoo Kim(Poster), Inhong Kim and Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Excitation Correlation for Time-resolved Nonlinear Photoluminescence in Center-of-mass exciton confined quantum well structure", Final Program of the Optical Society of Korea Winter Annual Meeting 2016 held in Daejeon from 20 to 22 January

5. Woojin Lee, Kwangseuk Kyhm, Heedae Kim, "The density of states in a single quantum ring by temperature dependence of radiative decay time", Optical society of Korea Summer Meeting 2016 at Pusan 11~13 July (Oral)

6. Juyeong Jang, Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Problems of current optical gain measurements", Optical society of Korea Summer Meeting 2016 at Pusan 11~13 July (Oral)

7. Minwoo Kim, Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Time-resolved excitation correlation spectroscopy for state-filling and band-gap renormalization in a center-of-mass exciton confined quantum well", Optical society of Korea Summer Meeting 2016 at Pusan 11~13 July (Oral)

8. Heedae Kim,  Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Observation of fractional optical Aharonov-Bohm oscillations by Wigner Molecule in a single quantum ring", Optical society of Korea Summer Meeting 2016 at Pusan 11~13 July (Oral)

9. Juyeong Jang, Kwangseuk Kyhm, Jindong Song, "Random carrier distributions for inhomogeneous quantum dot lasers", 67회 부.울.경 물리학회 (부산) 8월 22일 (Poster)

10. Woojin Lee, Kwangseuk Kyhm, "상온 단광자 광원을 위한 단일 CdSe/ZnSe 나노와이어의 광특성 분석", 2016년 가을 한국물리학회 (광주), 2016년 10월 19일 ~ 21일 (Oral)


1.Inhong Kim(Poster), Mijeong Kang, Han Young Woo, and Kwangseuk Kyhm(Program Committee/Session chair "Ultrafast combined decay dynamics of Förster resonance energy transfer and transient quenching in cationic polyfluorene/fluorescein-labelled single-stranded DNA complex", NBSIS 2015-SPIE at Jeju/Korea
25-27 February 2015 

2. 이우진, Kiba Takayuki, Murayama Akihiro, 김수진, 이종수, Fomin Vladimir M., 김광석, "Optical Aharonov-Bohm effect of a quantum dot-coupled closed loop in ensemble system" 2015년 봄 한국물리학회 (대전), 2015 4 22 ~ 4 24 (Oral)

3. KYHM Kwangseuk, "Quantum coherence and disorder effect in a single anisotropic quantum ring" Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Ultrafast Nanophotonics held in Daejeon from 22 and 25 April 2015 (Oral)

4. S. Park, W. Lee, I. Kim, T. Kiba, A. Murayama, R. Taylor, M. Potemski, J. Kyhm, J. Song, K, Kyhm. "Localised state and optical Aharonov-Bohm oscillations of a quantum ring on top of droplet quantum dot" 추계 한국물리학회 (경주), 2015년 10월 21일 ~ 23일 (Oral)

5. S. Park, W. Lee, I. Kim, T. Kiba, A. Murayama, R. Taylor, M. Potemski, J. Kyhm, J. Song, K, Kyhm. "형광의 시간 의존성과 자기 의존성을 통한  물방울 성장법 단일 양자점 내 국소준위에 대한 연구" 65회 부.울.경 물리학회 (부산), 2015 6월 23일 (Poster)

6. Woojin Lee, Takayuki Kiba, Akihiro Murayama, Corinne Sartel, Vincent Sartel, Inhong Kim, Robert A. Taylor, Young-Dahl Jho and Kwangseuk Kyhm, "Temperature dependence of radiative recombination time in ZnO nanorods under an external magnetic field of 6 T", 4th FAU(Friedrich Alexander University) Busan - PNU(Pusan National University) Interchange Seminar (부산), 2015년 3월 20일 (Oral)


1. 김광석 "단일 양자링의 분수 광학 아하로노프-봄 효과" 동계광학회 (대전) 2014 2 19 ~ 21 (*초청, Oral)


2. 양하늬, 김광석 "엑시톤-폴라리톤 모델의 ZnO 반사율 스펙트럼 계산" 동계광학회 (대전) 2014 2 19 ~ 21



3. 김인홍, 김광석 "TADPOLE을 이용한 양자점의 굴절률 측정" 동계광학회 (대전) 2014 2 19 ~ 21일 (Poster)


4. 이우진, 김광석, 김희대, R.A.Talyor, 이은혜, 송진동 "단일 양자 고리의 복사 재결합 시간의 온도 의존성" 동계광학회

   (대전) 2014 2 19 ~ 21일 (Poster)


5. 김인홍, 김광석, Takayuki Kiba, Akihiro Murayama, 송진동 "InP 양자점의 편광 각 의존성"

   광전자 및 광통신 학술회의 (부산) 2014년 5월 21일 ~ 23일 (Poster)


6. 부산대학교 산학협력단 (김광석) "광학적 모드 이득특성 측정 장치 및 방법" Korea Electronics Show 2014 Techno Fair (일산 KINTEX) 2014년 10월 14일 ~ 17일


7. 김광석 "Ultrafast all-optical modulator of metal-hybrid quantum dots" 2014년 추계 한국물리학회 (광주), 2014년 10월 22일 ~ 10월 24일 (Oral)


8. 이우진, Kiba Takayuki, Murayama Akihiro, Sallet Vincent, Donatini Fabrice, 김인홍, Taylor Robert A., 조영달, 김광석, "Temperature dependence of radiative recombination time in ZnO nanorods under an external magnetic field of 6 T" 2014년 추계 한국물리학회 (광주), 2014년 10월 22일 ~ 10월 24일 (Oral)


9. 김민주, 김찬형, 박정섭, 유화준, 유동엽, 이재호, 이창현, 김광석 "절연체와 금속의 반사율 입사각 의존성 비교 및 반사광의 편광위상분석" 2014년 추계 한국물리학회 (광주), 2014년 10월 22일 ~ 10월 24일 (Poster)


10. 장주영, 변성철, 김광석 "Optical gain properties of CdSe/ZnS nanocrystal" 2014년 추계 한국물리학회 (광주), 2014년 10월 22일 ~ 10월 24일 (Poster)


1. 김광석, 김지훈, 제구출초청발표 "-나노입자의 국소표면 플라즈몬을 활용한 CdSe양자점의 선형/비선형 광특성 향상과 증폭 및 전광-스위치 소자응용", 2013년 춘계 금속 및 재료학회,  대한민국(제주), 2013 4 24 ~ 26.

(*초청, Oral)


2. 이우진, 박성호, Kiba Takayuki, Murayama Akihiro, 김광석, "Temperature dependence of radiative recombination time in ZnO nanorods",2013년 봄 학술논문발표회 및 제 89회 정기총회, 대한민국(대전), 2013년 4월 24일 ~ 4월 26일 (Poster)


3. 김광석, H. D. Kim, R. Taylor, A. A. L. Nicolet, M Potemski, G Nogues, K. C. Je, R Okuyama, M. Eto ,W. J. Lee, J. S. Kim, J. H. Kyhm, E. H. Lee, J. D. Song, "Optical Aharonov-Bohm Effect in a Single Quantum Ring", 2013년 추계 한국물리학회, 대한민국(창원), 2013 10 30 ~ 11 1일. (*초청, Oral)


4. 김인홍, 박성호, 김광석, "Cross-correlation of a pair of Femtosecond Pulses by Two-photon Fluorescence in CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dots", 2013년 추계 한국물리학회, 대한민국(창원), 2013년 10월 30일 ~ 11월 1일 (Poster)


5. 이우진, Kiba Takayuki, Murayama Akihiro, Sallet Vincent, Donatini Fabrice, 김광석, "Temperature and magnetic field dependence of radiative recombination time in ZnO nanorods", 2013년 추계 한국물리학회, 대한민국(창원), 2013년 10월 30일 ~ 11월 1일 (Poster)


1. 김광석, K. C. Je, A. Nicolet, G. Nogue, E. H. Lee, and J. D. Song, 초청발표 "Optical Aharonov-Bohm effect in a volcano-like quantum ring", 2012년 가을 한국물리학회, 대한민국(평창), 2012 10 24 ~ 26.




1. 김지훈, 제구출, Kiba Takayuki, Murayama Akihiro, 김광석, "Ultrafast Phase Dynamics of  ellipsometry Based on Spin Dichroism in Nanocrystal Quantum Dots",2011년 봄 학술논문발표회 및 제 87회 정기총회, 대한민국(대전), 2011년 4월 13일 ~ 4월 15일.


2. 김범진, 김도만, 조채룡, 김광석, "New Origins of Lasing in ZnO by Temperature Dependence of Modal Gain Contour Map", 2011년 봄 학술논문발표회 및 제 87회 정기총회, 대한민국(대전), 2011년 4월 13일 ~ 4월 15일.


3. 김인홍, 강미정, 우한영, 김광석, "FRET based Enhanced DNA detection and Ultrafast Dynamics in Conjugated Polymers/dye labeled DNA Complex", 2011년 봄 학술논문발표회 및 제 87회 정기총회, 대한민국(대전), 2011년 4월 13일 ~ 4월 15일.




1. 김지훈, 제구출, 김광석,”CdSe/ZnS 나노결정 양자점내에서 미세엑시톤 상태의 초고속 광학적 비선형성”, 한국광학회 하계학술대회 2010년 7월15~16일(부산).


2. 김범진, 김도만, 김광석, 조채룡, N. Tamura, T. Yamazaki, A. Murayama, "ZnO내 모드이득 등고지도의 온도의존성을 이용한 새로운 레이징 원리", 한국광학회 하계학술대회 2010년 7월15~16일(부산).


3. 김인홍, 강미정, 우한영, 김광석, "양이온 공액 고분자와 색소표지된 DNA의 복합체에서의 시간분해된 에너지 전달", 한국광학회 하계학술대회 2010년 7월15~16일(부산).




1. B. J. Kim, K. Kyhm, "Polarization dependence of modal gain in ZnO", 제5차 강유전체 연합 심포지엄, (강유전체 연구회), 대한민국(무주), 2009년 02월 08일 - 2009년 02월 10일        


2. 김광석(Tutorial), "Time-resolved spectroscopy of semiconductor nanostructures", 2009년 봄 학술논문발표회 및 제 85회 정기총회, 대한민국(대전), 2009년 04월 23일 - 2009년 04월 24일       


3. 김광석, "Sub-picosecond All-Optical Phase Modulator Based on Excition Spin in CdSe Nanocrystals" 제 85회 정기총회, 대한민국(대전), 2009년 04월 23일 - 2009년 04월 24일      


4. 김지훈, 김광석, "Chracterization of an Arbitrary Ultrafast Pulse by Using Optical Kerr Gating Technique." 제 85회 정기총회, 대한민국(대전), 2009년 04월 23일 - 2009년 04월 24일      


5. Kim In-hong, Kim Sangmin, Kim Jihoon, Kim Bumjin, Kang Mi Jeong, Woo Han Young, Kyhm Kwangseuk, "Time-resolved Study for Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET)."

제 85회 정기총회, 대한민국(대전), 2009년 04월 23일 - 2009년 04월 24일      


6. 김범진, 김광석, 조채룡, "Polarization Asymmetry and Modal Gain Saturation in ZnO."

제 85회 정기총회, 대한민국(대전), 2009년 04월 23일 - 2009년 04월 24일      


1. 김지훈, 김광석, "Optical Kerr-gate 방법의 효율 분석", 한국광학회 2008년도 동계학술대회, 대한민국(서울), 2008년 2월 14일 - 2008년 2월 15일

2. 나성호, 김지훈, 김범진, 김광석, "플라리톤 분산: (1)다진동계 수치해 (2)기타 관련 현상", 한국광학회 2008년도 동계학술대회, 대한민국(서울), 2008년 2월 14일 - 2008년 2월 15일

3. K. Kyhm, K. S. Yi, J. S. Kim, “Energy relaxation dynamics of high density electron-hole plasma in GaN”, internationalsession: Asian Core Workshop on Wide bandgap semiconductors, 한국물리학회, 대한민국(광주), 2008 10월22일-24일   


1. 김광석, 나성호, “엑시톤-폴라리톤 모델을 사용한 반사스펙트럼 분석”, 한국광학회 2007년도 동계학술대회, 대한민국(광주), 2007년 2월 8일 - 2007년 2월 9일

2. 김범진, 김광석, “Stripe-Length and Polarization Dependence of Optical Gain in ZnO and GaN”, 제3회 강유전체 연합 심포지엄(강유전체연구회), 대한민국(무주), 2007년 2월 11일 - 2007년 2월 13일


1. 김광석, 양호순, 김지훈, 김범진, 강준구, 김상민, “Resonantly Excited Exciton Dynamics and Saturation in Colloidal CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dots”, 동계 한국광학회, 대한민국, 2006년 2월 9일 - 2006년 2월 10일

2. 양호순, 김광석, 김지훈, 김상민, 김범진, “Resonantly Excited Exciton Dynamics and Saturation in Colloidal CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dots”, 제2회 강유전체 연합 심포지엄(강유전체연구회), 대한민국(무주), 2006년 2월 12일 - 2006년 2월 14일

3. 김광석, 김범진, “ZnO 단결정의 이득 특성”, 한국물리학회 2006년 가을 학술논문발표회, 대한민국(대구), 2006년 10월 19일 - 2006년 10월 20일

4. 김광석, 양호순, 김지훈, 김상민, “CdSe양자점 내의 광학적 이득과 공명 엑시톤 동역학 연구”, 한국물리학회 2006년 가을 학술논문발표회, 대한민국(대구), 2006년 10월 19일 - 2006년 10월 20일

5. 김광석, 양호순, 김지훈, 김상민, “Femtosecond Spectroscopy of Carriers and Excitons in Quantum Dots”, 한국물리학회 2006년 가을 학술논문발표회, 대한민국(대구), 2006년 10월 19일 - 2006년 10월 20일

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